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today SCANDEFA Copenhagen, 2017

Align Technology launches dedicated product for general dentists keen to offer patients more than just healthy teeth in the Nordic countries All systems are Go business (cid:132) Align Technology, the manufactu- rer of Invisalign, which has now been acknowledged as the world’s leading clear aligner system, has launched a new aesthetic teeth straightening pro- duct designed specifically for general dental practitioners (GDPs). Invisalign Go is a simplified approach to teeth straightening that guides GDPs new to the system through identifying, planning and monitoring aesthetic ca- ses, enabling them to use this innova- tive clear aligner technology to treat patients confidently and by doing so extend their practice offering. for treatment Invisalign Go can be used as a stand-alone teeth straightening or in combination with other aesthetic or restorative ap- proaches to enable more effective outcomes that support a minimally invasive approach to dentistry. Invisalign Go can treat mild crowd- ing, spacing, orthodontic relapse and other aesthetic tooth misalignment cases. It is suitable for smile improve- ments in the anterior space (first pre- molar to first premolar). Invisalign Go is available for single-arch or dual- arch treatments and can provide pa- tients with Invisalign smiles in as lit- tle as three months. Simplifying the system With the new Invisalign Go sys- tem Case Assessment Tool, patient se- lection has been made simpler to help GDPs easily identify suitable patients for treatment. After uploading just five intra-oral photographs of the pa- tient to Align Technology’s propri- etary system, the dentist receives an assessment of the case’s difficulty level—based on the parameters of Invisalign Go—to help determine whether to treat the patient or refer the case to an Invisalign specialist. This case assessment can be done either using the Invisalign Photo Up- loader app for iPads and iPhones or via computer on the Invisalign Doctor Site. transfer patient files If the case is deemed too complex for Invisalign Go, a digitally aided referral process allows the GDP to to an Invisalign-trained specialist with just a few clicks directly within the Invisalign system. In addition to en- suring every patient receives the right treatment, this means the den- tist is able to build stronger partner- ship with specialists. Once the patient has been deemed suitable for treatment with Invisalign Go, the GDP fills out a sim- ple prescription form outlining treat- ment goals and submits it with poly- vinyl siloxane impressions or an in- tra-oral scan. The new system can be integrated into an existing digital dental workflow, as Invisalign Go works with both polyvinyl siloxane impressions and Align Technology’s iTero Element intra-oral scanner, as well as the True Definition (3M), TRIOS (3Shape) and CEREC Omnicam (Dentsply Sirona) scanners. From this, a personalised treat- ment plan is created using ClinCheck software, Align’s 3-D treatment plan- ning tool. This provides each patient with a clear view of the upcoming treatment journey and gives the treating dentist clinical control over the case. Once the treatment plan has been approved, a series of custom- ised clear aligners will be manufac- tured and shipped directly to the practice. Patients are fitted with their first aligners in the practice and advised to change them approximately every week. By moving to weekly aligner changes, treatment time can be short- ened by 50 %, giving Invisalign Go patients a new smile in as little as 3 months. Check-up appointments are typically arranged every month to ensure the treatment is progress- ing as intended. Monitoring is key, and as part of the new Invisalign Go system, dentists are provided with an appointment plan to provide task- level guidance with specific and de- tailed processes to be performed at each appointment. In addition, the Progress Assessment Tool means that, at any time during treatment, Invisalign Go’s technology allows clinicians to upload new intra-oral photographs and, within minutes, re- ceive confirmation of whether the case is on track. If not, additional aligners can be ordered at any point during treatment free of charge. Simplified pricing and training Like the aligners, the price struc- ture and training are clear and make Invisalign Go a realistic treatment option for GDPs: single-arch treat- ment costs €745 and dual-arch treat- ment €975. With this fixed labora- tory fee, there are no hidden sur- prises and any additional aligners re- quired the original treatment goal are included. to achieve The Invisalign Go Training Pro- gramme, available to every GDP who signs up to the system, consists of an online training session, followed by an in-person training day with hands-on sessions to provide a thorough understanding of how Invisalign Go works. The sessions of- fer practical tips and techniques on Invisalign Go digital photography, im- pressions, interproximal reduction and attachments. This content fo- cuses purely on the use of Invisalign Go in the treatment of patients with minor orthodontic or cosmetic con- cerns. The training is open to all GDPs at a total cost of €550. However, Align Technology does not just leave newly certified doctors there. The company has an extensive continuing education programme to ensure that each has sustained sup- port throughout their Invisalign Go treatments. Unident Align Technology is happy to an- nounce the partnership of Invisalign Go with Unident for Nordic countries. Unident has been providing dental products and services in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland since 1992. Training will be held in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. More informa- tion can be found at the web ad- dresses below and GDPs who want to kick-start their experience with the new system can register there for the Invisalign Go Training Programme. During Scandefa, learn more about Invisalign Go and the upcoming train- ing courses in your country at booth C3-010. (cid:26) Local contacts • Sweden and Finland • Norway • Denmark invisalign 12 SCANDEFA 2017

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