E-newsletter For 20 years, Dental Tribune International has been at the forefront of dental media, education, and events, shaping the global landscape of dental knowledge dissemination. With a presence in over 90 countries, Dental Tribune International stands as the world’s largest dental network, connecting profes- sionals and industry represent- atives across the globe. Our commitment to providing essential information to the dental community is unwavering. Since our inception in Leipzig, Germany, in 2003, Dental Tribune International has flourished into Our integrated approach merges print, digital, and educational media, offering a myriad of marketing channels to engage with the vast worldwide. As we celebrate this merge our anniversary with our esteemed German forerunner company, OEMUS MEDIA. With roots dating back to 1994, OEMUS MEDIA has evolved into a pivotal player and trusted partner in the dental landscape, setting trends and standards in the German-speaking markets. Together, Dental Tribune International and OEMUS MEDIA bring forth over 50 years of collective industry expertise, reflecting our commitment to innovation, quality, and service excellence. milestone, we proudly dental community a powerhouse. THE GLOBAL DENTAL CE COMMUNIT Y NTAL CE COMMUNIT Y g Digital Dentistry ShoM Celebrating 20 years of Dental Tribune International The global voice in essential dental media m o c . e b o d a . k c o t s – m i z a n _ x f g © Copenhagen · 15 and 16 June 2022 Interview Interview Prof. Phoebus Madianos discloses what at- Prof. Phoebus Madianos discloses what at-a tendees can look forward to at this year’s tendees can look forward to at this year’s EuroPerio. EuroPerio. » page 4 » page 4 » page » page 4 » page 4 EFP welcomes attendees EFP welco EFP welco EFP welc EFP EFP welco EFP welco EFP wewEFP welco EEFEFP welco EFPP elc EEFP welco FFFEFPFPPEFP welco PEFP welco EFEFFP wel EEEFEFP welco E PP el oo E PP eel E P weeellccocoo FFP wel FP welcoeelcelco FPFPP welcow ll FPPP welcoellelco F P eelcweellccoooooomes atten P welcowe P elcoellc elelco lco mes atten mesmess m tt smes ames atten mes atten mes attenn esmes atte mes attenn mesmes atmes ames atmmes atten mes atten smes atten meess aattenttt mmm s atten mes attee mmmm attteeeenn mee tttteteeeen mmmmm tttetee m m tt e s att te tetete deesdees dddeeddedeeessdde to EuroPe to EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen o EuroPe o EuroPe o EuroPeoPe o EuroP o EuroP oo EuroPe Euo EuroPe oo Eu Pe o EEuo EuroPe oo EuroPe EuroEuroP EuroPe Euro e EEEuroPe Eu Pee E E Eu eroPPePPeerio10 in Pe e rio10 rio10r oo1o1 iinn0 iinninini Copenhage rio1rio10 in rio10 in rio10 i rio10 i io1rio10 in i0 in10 in rio10rio10 in rio1111110rio10 i riiioiooo110 in rio1000riiioiooo 0000 n rio10 in iioioooorio100 in10 in rio10 in rioooo10 110 i1 i10 inn ioioooio1000 inn Copenhage Copenhage Copenhage CCopenha oCopenhage CoCooopenhag pCopennhaghhhageg Copenhage CCopenhage Copenhag CCCopeoppenhhahahaaagee Copenh CoCopeopenh openhage openhage openha openheennhhhag openhage openhage openhage opoppenhhhhhaaaagee op p nhage peennhnhhanha ppenhagnpenhhaagnhageeee enh e anh nhhage nhhhaaaahhhhaaaaaaa nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn MoreMMoreMMore th MM e tMore than 130 spe MMoMoore thre tthhan 130 sp More than 130 speakers from over 30 countries More than 130 speaker More than 130 speaker More th MMMore treree M 0 0 sp 0 ssspppeeeasssppeeeaappp aa spppeeea s from over 30 countr s from over 30 countr to present on advances in periodontics and implant dentistry tto to prrerees om over 30 countr too ttto tto ppprrr tto pprrerees oo prrereesent on advanc pp ent on advanc over 330 ver 30 cou veveeerr 3330300 30 c3330300 esent on ad esent on adva enesent on advanc er 30 c err 30 countr sent on advanc ent on adva nt on advanc t t on a on advanc a triesiesss nncces in periodontics an c es in periodontics an es in periodontics an ies in periodontics an es in periodontics an es in periodontics an es in periodont s iinn periodontics in in periodontics a dontics an on iccscssiccscs n ntticiccscss asss aaand implant den iccs n d implant denti t d implant dent dd implant d d implant denti d idd iiid implant dden imimmd implant den d implant dentist d implant dentist d implant dentist d imimm d imimmmp mplant dentis mmmppplaa deenenntnttisissttrtryyy mplant d plant dentis plant dentistt deenenntnttisisstryyyisisststtrryyy enntnttissttrryyy nt © Ma© Ma © Marina Datsenko/ © Marina D © Marina Datsenko/Sh © Marina Dat Marina Datsenko/Sh Maa i Mararinnaa DDaDat nkkoo/S/Sh Mararinnaa DDaDatatssennkkoo/S/ShShuhutte atssen ats nkkoo/S/Shuhutterst senko/Shutterstock.c terstostoocckk ter com om OOrOrgargaan Organised by the European Federation of Or aniinised by the E anni ninised by the nised b ninised by t ised by the ised by the ed by the ed by thhe EuE by the EuE by the b he EEuurropppean EEuuroropeaeaeannn EEuurroopppeeaea Europeannn uroop roop ooopppeeaannn FF eratat Periodontology (EFP), EuroPerio10 is being PePerioriiodriodontology (EFP), E P odon P io onnt FFFeFeeddererraattioioonnn oof f nnn oofof f FFFedFeeddder ti FFFeFedeeration FFederation of FeFeedddeerratitioonnn ooff raderattitioio offff onon ontology (EFP) onon ntology (EFP ntology ( ntol gy (EFP), gy (EFP) gy ( FP), gy (EFP), E (( FF EEuEuEururrooururroooPPPPerioPPPerio10 is b i ( (EFP), Eur (E P), Eurrooo FP) ) E EEuEuururroo o o Perio10 is bein Perio10 is b Peerrioo1101000 is Perio10 is bbeeieininngngg PPPePerrio10 is be PPPePeerPerio10 is rio10 ii io10 oo110100 held from 15 to 18 June at Bella Center Copen- hheeleheld fr oo1101000 iisiss bbb ii ooo1100 is be eld fd frorom 15 to ldeld ffrroommom 15 t5 eelldeld fr f ffrro iis bein iss bbeiinngngg om 15 to 18 Jun om 15 to 18 Ju om 15 to 18 JunJun June o 15m 15 to bbbeineinngngg ggg t 118188 JJunee at 118188 8 JJuJu e atte e at Bella Center Cope 1181888 Junene 1181888 JJuune ate att 8 Jun ununne ne at Bella Center Cope Bella Center Cop Bella Cente BBBeBeellla CCCeCeenn err Copen Bella Cente Bella Cent Bella BBBeBeellla Ce Bella CeCeenn er Copen- BBBeBeellllaa CC eellllaa CCCeenn eerr CCoCoopen-eennn-- la CCC haghagehaghage n Denmark. Eu haghaagegehageennn i hagen hageen in hagen in Denmark. EuroPerio, the leading con- aggen in Denmark. E ggeen in nnnterr CCoCoopoppeeenn-pppeeennn n in Dinen in Denmark. n in Denma e CCCer Cop CCoCoop nn Denmark. EurE pe enmark EururooPeroPPePeerririiri en mark. Eu oPP kkkmark. 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enennn i ll ennennnnnniniaall i y, but had to be post-osp y, but had to be po but had to be po poned last year because of the pandemic. nedonedneponed last year becau poned last year bec poned la poned ned last year because oponeddd ast y ar bec d ttoo post n to be p to to be post to be pbe ppooo ttt to be pbbb too be bbbee d llaaasst year because last year because la tt tast year because ast y st year beca tst year because stst-t--p ststt bbb bebeecauscac caaau eee of the p caaus us e of the pandemic. oooff oof f the pandemi of t of the p of the p off of the p ooff f the pandndemic. t EuroPerio10 has an im EuroPer EuroPe EuroPerio10 has an impressive speaker line- uroPerio10 has an impress uroPerio10 has an impress roPerio10 has an impress pandemic. pa pa pandemic pandemic pandemicmmicc. errio rio10 has an i rio10 has an impress ririo10 has an impresss ri 0 has an impress mmii n n i impressmpimpresspress impressrees im ss re ess ive speaker l ive speaker lin iiveivive spe viive sp ke 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ststss oororraalall ssusuu s, osss,, oororraalal l ssusurgururgeons s, oral su , oral surg ns orthodontists, prosthodontists, dental hygien- oo tththhhodoon oorrtrththhhoodododoonntntisttsts oorrththhhoododdoononntissttss pprroroososstthhhoooddd oorrtrththhhooddooo ttiti orraalal surgeon oral surgeonnss rt l l ssuururgrggeeoeoons od oodononntntitisissttsts,s, pprroososstthhhoooddodoonnntt ssusuururggeeoeoonns,s, rgge tistsnti ggg nns eonss, eoons ts, ns, s,s, prroroososstthhhoooddodoonnntt pp tthhhoooddodoonnntt ro ists, dental hygien isststs, dental hygie iisstststss ddental hygien- iisstststss,, ddedeennntntataall hhhyhyyggien- iisstststs, den t ddental hygi s, , ddedeenntntataall hhhy ,, eeenntal hy ists, dental nurses, other dental and medical iisststs dtss dde iisstststss denntal nur iisstststss, , ddeennttal nurs ii d deennntnt ll hhygieyg sststs, dental nu tss, , dddeennttataall nnnunuururrsseesess oootthhheerrr ntntataall hhhyhyyggienn- t tal hyyggigienn de hhhygieieennngg taall nnnunuururrsseee tataall ttataall nnnuurseesess,, oootthhheerrr gii ien- sseesess, , oootthheerrr dddeenenntntataalal aaannddd mmmmedicddii dddeenennttaalal aaannnd mdd mmmeedddiicmedical dddeenenntntataal and medica dddenta al aaannndd d mmmmeeddiiccalal nd ed d me medicall medddiicccaalal cal page 2 pppapagaggegee 222 pppapagaggegee e 2222gg 222 pppapage 2aggg 222 pppapagaggegeee 2222 2 h h 14 15 15 16 16 Products Products EuroPerio offers the opportunity to see and EuroPerio offers the opportunity to see and try out the most current innovations in perio- try out the most current innovations in perio- dontics and implant dentistry. dontics and implant dentistry. » pages 17–20 » pages 17–20 News News The European Federation of The European Federation of Periodontology deraderera Periodontology has made sustainability a central focus of has made sustainability a made sustainabiaina tainabilabil inatainability a ainab central focus of central focus of al focus of EuroPerio10. EuroPerio10 EuroPerio10. EuroPerio10. oPerio10 s o © d.ee_angelo/ © dd.ee_angelo/Shutterstock.c © d.ee_angelo/Shuttersto © angelo/Shutt © angelo/ © dd e.ee_angelo/Shutters ee© d.ee_ange © d.ee_angelo/Shutters d.e.eeeee aannggeelo Shuutt .eeee_angelo/Shutterstock e_angelo/Sh _angeelolo//ShShuutttte ockck geelolo/ gelo/Shutterstock. 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We pppp ppipiringg eeexcelellencce in oral piring reconstruction”. We reccoconstrucucttion”n”. WWe coco continue to aim to inspire excellence also dur- oo ontiontinueuee to aaim toto insspire excxcecellencece aalsoo ddur- excellence also dur- ing this year’s EuroPerio. in nng thig this yyear’’s EuuroPerrio. Long-lasting and highly aesthetic results in LongLongg-g-laststing aand hhighly aeeesstheticic rresulultss in imm implant dentistry depend on many factors: qual- mm mplant d mplant dddeentitistry ddepeend on mmaany facacttors: qquual- n n many factors: qual- ity in execution and product, ease of use of the itity t ty in exe in exececcutiotion anand prproduct, eeaease of of uuse ofof tthe ct, ease of use of the products and workfl ows, including the digital pr roducts ucts aaandd wororkfl a owows, inclulududing thhe diigitgital flfl workfl ow in implantology. Additionally, scien- workflw ow w iin n implaplantolology. AdAdddditionanalllly, scciecien- fl tifi c evidence for the implant solution and bio- ifitifit c evidendeenncce for tr the iimplant t ssolutioon n and d bbio- fifi - logics chosen is of great importance. However, lolog ogics choos n is ofs of greeat hososseeennosseen isenn iisis osseen is of n is is of is s oofof gre - s oofof f ggg impoorrtancee. HHoweevever, as surgical techniques and possibilities pro- as surg as surg asas s surgica s surgica u urgica gi gi all al techtechniques ues annd all tectech all l technique l chniques nd techniququi echni ues aes and chniququueeses hniques ni qqueeses aaanannd possibilities pro- qqueses aanananannd ppossibibililities ppro- ues esess an an anand gress, disseminating knowledge and facilitating gress, diss gress, dis ess, dissee natin s, disseeminating k , ssssseemsemmiinnating know disseem na emememmiin minating knowlwl inating knowl ii atatitin knowleeeddgdge and facilitating ating knowl ating knnowl ting knowl ng knoknowl g knowll knowll no nowl ededgdgdgeeeeddggee ggee e a surgical skills in applying our innovative portfo- sursurgic surgicacal urg al skills in rg al kikills inn applyin caca ki cal l kl skl skil al skil alal skills inn app l skill lls apappp in applyin n applyin n applyi n aaapapppl n applyin applply appapppply p yinipplyi yi g our in g ourg oour iuur ininnov ur ir innnnnoovov ininnnovnoovovvativ innovaovative portfo- lio of biologics are the centre of our participa- lio of lio of nnoovvavaovaatti io of biologics o oof b of b olog bbbbiolo b biioliologics bi ogics a thre the c are the c ar re the c ee ththe e the the thth c ththhe entre of o he ce c entre of our parpar ententre of ou e entre of ouf our pur pur paparticipa- tre ore of of ou e of of our tion in EuroPerio10. tion n Eun EuroPerio tion tion i ionon our rr p r pr ppurr ppaparrt iinn En iin E ro n Ein EuroPerio100. in uroPeri uroPerio1 io1101 10 00. What sorts of products and activities can at- What WhaWhatat t soortsorts of t t s t ssorts of pf pprprodro s orts ofof p duc andandact of oduc f pp orod s and p tduc ucts s anandandnd activ tsucts and ts s and andand ndnd acactivities can at- acacctivvit activities can at- activities can t activi aactct vi activitieti ctivities can at-at cti itiies can tivi s tendees tendee tendees of EuroPerio10 look forward to at the endees of Eu en ess vities can a vities can a vities can at ities can a ties can es ca a eeess s can a s can tt ess s s of s of of EEurroPerrio1rio110 EurrooPerioerio1o10 lo0 loo ur Per o1 t t tt roPerioo100 oo P er 0 ooo 1010o10 o10 lolooooolooook fo wwawarardard to at thee 10 kk foork foorwwa d to at t e kkk fok fforwor kk fok ffoororww d t kk k ffoororwar BioHorizons Camlog booth? BiBioHoror ons Cs Camlamlog bog blog g boothh?? war wa ard to at the oHorizzonns Camlog rd to at the d to at the orizzo s Camlog bboothobooth? o zozoon mlog zoon n Cam amlo loogg b bbooth?oth oo h?? otthth?? ? We are offering an Expert Lounge pro- We aWe We aWe arree offeoffering a aaare aarre ree offerin offerin an offering an ffering a er ri i ingng an an EEx ert ng an Expexpert g n Exxpexpertexpert Exp xpExpepe t ExpE er xp gramme, and throughout Thursday and Friday, gramramme, amme, annd thd through LLLoouLoouLounLL uLoLouu unge unge pr unge pro- nge p nge pro- ge p annd annd annd p dd ththrough hroughout Tht ThThuThuhuuu rou roughout ou ughout Tou t T ursdrsdday ndnd riiday, day, Thu hu rsrsdaday rsday and FFd Frid rsday a dd Friday, rsd ananandnd Fri ay rsrsday and F rsday and F sd aandd F d y an day aandnd Frri renowned experts are holding live presenta- renowrenowned ex y a owned ex ned perts are exxp ts are ee erts exxpxperts are holdi exxp ayay xperts are xperts are hol xp ertperts are are holdinng live pres oldididi ngngg livlilivive pveee ppresenta- ng live prese ng live pres g ivvee pprprresen g live pr live presenta- lilivivevee e e ppreseenn lilivveee pppr ent page 2 pagppage 2 paggege 2222 ppppaagge 2e 22 pppage 2 pagge 2 pp ggegee 22 A As dental profep As dental professionals around the world gear As dAs As dental profe As dental prof AAs dental professiona A dAs dental profes AsAs dental profes As denttal professio As deenenntntatatal profess A dentdental prof deenenntntaall tadddeenenntntaall tal professio l rofessio profess pr fep profepprro sssioioonnaallsss aa roro rooffessiession l a f ff fessssiioonnaallss aa sio onnanaallss s aaro ndnd tnd td the lna nals a n a rrourouououu d h rrouunnd the rououun th rroououunnd d the wor up for EuroPerio10, Dental Tribune International up for EuroPerio10, Dental uuupuppup ffoo EEE upp ffoforor EEuurroroPeoPPPeriii uupup for EuroPerio10, Denta up f up for E the world gear the world gear p ffofororr EEEuEuurrorooPPPeerio10 D ppp ffoforor r EEEuEurooPPeereriioo110100 DDen fo urEu uuurrorooPPeereriioo110100, , DDeen l ro oPerio rioPerio eririoerioo110100 DDenntata 110100, DD allt , Dentalall DeenDental ental en alalal TrTriTribibbb n uTrTri nene Intern Tribibbubunun TTribubunununun Tribibbubunune Internat e Ine International al reached out to Holger Essig, chief marketing of- rrr hh rrereeaacacchhheedd reached out to Holger E rereacacchhheeddd oouututt ttoo HHolgeHH l reached out to Holger rereeaacacchhhed d oououutut ttoo HHHoHoollggeer eached ed out to Holger Essissi eedd d out to Holge ououutut t to HHHolggeerrr Esssi ou tut to Ho tt t t to Holgerr ssi ttoo HHollggeger EEsssii HoHo ol l ggegeerr r E g cg, cg chihie market er Esssi E Esssiss gg cchhieefeff marketing g ggg, chie g,ggg cchihihi fff gg, g, chieefef efef f f marketing fi cer of BioHorizons Camlog and a member of ccceer r ooff BBBiiooHoHHHoorizon cer er o fifififififififi fififififififififi cer of BioHororizoizon cceer r oofof f BBBiiooHoHHHoorizonrizizozoononnss CamlCCamam cer of B ccceerr oofoff BB er er of BioHorizons Camlog er of BiiooHoHioH marketing of- of BBiiooHoHHororirizzonsss CaCamloogg H izons m g Hoori n oririzzoonon CCC mlog zzoononnss s CCCaamamlog aamlogogog andandd a mema mmmember of aml amllog amamlogog an aand anan a anndd d aa andandd aaaa Henry Schein’s Global Oral Reconstruction Group, HHHH HHHeHeennnrryryySSS hchein’s Global Or HHHeHeennnrryryySSScchchheheeinn’n’ssGl bb HHHeHeennnrryryy SSScchchheheeininn’n’sssGGGlolo yyy SSSccheins chheheeininns GloobobbalOallOOrrall hhein’sGloba ein’s GlobobaallOOralO l i Glo Gin’s Globbal Oral nnnss s GGlobal O sG aGlobal Oralra loobobbal OOOraal bbaal l OOOrOrara R consnstrruuctioctioction G al RReconstru RRecoeccoonstrurunstru RRRecoRRReRecononstnsttruuc Recoonconstrtr con ru to discuss the company’s participation at the ttotoo to dddiisscscucuussssss tthhheee cocompmp tt dddiscus totooo dddiisscscucusssss tthhheee company’s totooo dddiisscsccussss o uction Group, iisscscucuussss tthhee e ccommpanpa y’s pp tthhhee ccoommmppapany p e company’s py’s pys comm anan s ny’s p compampanypany’s pp’s comp y ompa ompany’s ny’s p ppp ny ny’s ’ ’ p p pppp articiprticipicticipapa ararrtarticipippapaat arttiiccipippaattitio a aarrttiiccippaat on event and its latest initiatives. eevevvent and its late eevevveveennntt aanndd iititstss ll tt eevevveveennntt aannd its la ip veennntt aa dd pp t on tion at tioonon at the nt and its latest initi ntt aannndd ititstss lalaatesest iininninitititi nd nddd iititstss lalaatateesest initi d its latest initititi tstss laatatest inesest iinninittii st st inst inni t i iinninitititiiativves initi a ves.ves tivaatitivivvevesess. aatiivvees aaatiivvees.veses. Mr Essig,in 2018 CAMLOG MMMMrrr EEsEssssigg iininn 202001011888 CAMLOG’ Mr Essig, in 2018, CAMLOG’s theme for EuroPerio MMM EEE Mrr r EEsEssssssig,in 2018 MMMrr Essig,in 2018 CAMLO r EEsEssssssigigg ii EEsEssssssigigg, , iininn 2202001188,8, CAAAMMLMLOG’LOAMLOGG’OG’ ssig,in 20122in igg,,iinn 22020188, CAMLO in 2018, C 2012 01 AMLOLOGG 11188,8, CCACAAMLOG’MMLMLOGG’’MMLMLOOG ss thems ttthhes thememe emmme fofome for uroPerio CA CAMLOG’ CCAAAMMMLOGML GG’’ CACAA M ss thems thheme ss ththemthhe themmee fe foror EEEuEu themheem ffoorfor Euuro wwwawaass s PPPeeriorioioo--f-frfririeieenndndly and e wwww wwwawaasss ““P“PP iii wwwawaas “ss “Peri was “Perio-friendly and effi cient restorations fooor EuEuEu ss Perio-friendly and e s PPPeereririoioo--f-frfririeieenndnd a or Eu ““P“PPereririoioo ffrfririeie “Perio-friendd uroP er erio-friendly and ef oo ffrfririeenndnddly andandd ef ie ndly anndd ed lydlydly and ef dly and ef dly and ly and ef lyy y aaanannddd e fififififififififi iciencie y yy aaana dd and ef and e a effef fifififififi ccienieent ennt resrr ttorati ccieieentnt resrestreststotoorra cccieennt t restotoor ent resstotoorratoorra wwwiitthhh CCCACAAMAMMLMLLOLOOGOG” Does Bi H wwwwiitthh h CCCACAAMAMMLMLOGOGG”G”” DDDooeoeeses Bi iitthhh CCw wwwwiitthhh CCCACAAMAMMLOMLLOLOOG with CAMLOG”. Does BioHorizons Camlog have a hh h CCCACAAMAMMLMLLOLOOGG”. Does BioHor estest ratrations LO OOG . Does BioHori OGGG . DDoeoeeses Bio ori G”G”. Does BioHori G”. Does BioHori ” DDDoes BioHori ”. Does Bio . Does BioHoriHor Does BioHH DDooeoeeses BBioHoorri ooeeses BBBioioBioHororiH i oon m s B oH s BioHori s B iBio oroH BB oH zzons Cass Camlog h zons Cns Cammlog hmlog g hhaave a zzoons Cns Camm havhhaav zzoons Camnssons Caammloog nsns Caamm og ns Camlog h s Camlogog hhah ccocoononngggrrereesss tththhh e for t ccocoononngggrrereessssss tthheheemm congress theme f r this yhis congress theme for th coononnggrreressss s tthheemmee for toror thistthhi congress theme for this year’s show? Which are CCamlo Camlog hh ggg eesssss s tthhehemme es s theme e foror tthhisis ye th me or this y theme for this ye me for this ye me for this ye orme fome fo his ye for this y for t or this ye or this ye thhihis yes yhi yeyy ar’ar’s show? W arar’ show? W ar’s show? W? Ww? Ww Wh ar’s show? Whic aar’s show? Whi ar’s show? Whi ar’s show? Whic ar s show? Whi ar s show? Wh ar s show? Whic r s show? Whic r s shhow?? Which ’s shhooww?? WWWh s shhow? Whw? Whhihich a show?how? show? Whi shshow? Which hhoww? W ow Wh w? Which ? WWhicWhWhhich ? ? WWWWh h chch are are y Whether chronic or acute gingivitis, stomatitis or cheilitis, prophylaxis or periimplantitis. Whether for home use or dental studios or clinics. Whether ch WhethWhether chron Whether chroniccc Whether chroniconi chron c chrch c r chroon ccchhhhchrochhhrroch o cc hro hroni icc iccicicc or acute in or aor acute ging oororrror acur or acut or acute gingi ooororr acr aaccuuuteee gggigiinnnngggii or acute gg cor acute gingi aor acute oororr acur acur aaaaccccuuuutute g or acute gingi oororr acute g or acuteee gggigii ororr aacute g accur acuuututeee gggiginnngggii acute gi aaaccutututteee ggiinnnngggii acute giii acute aaaacuccutuutut acute te gi te ge ggiinnngggii gg gggiiigg perperiimpl periimplanti periimplantitis epeerpeperiimplantitis erreerrripepeerrip gigi ii i eriimplanti vvvviviitttis, st svvvvitis, sto vvvvivitisitttiis, sto viittvitiissss sssststtotooo atit vitvvvviitttiisss ssststomtotooommmmmaaaatattiitt iimplantitis iiitttiis sstomatit tttis, sissss,, ssttoommmmmaaaatattiitittt issss tttt sss,, stomssssttotooommmmmmatitaaatattiitittt ,, stssstooommmmmaaaattiititttaaaattiititttis ii or cheilit st m atat Wh. Whether . Whether f . Whether f iisssss oooor chrr hhheilitis iissss or choooorrr ccccheili iis or c ss ois ooorrr ccccheil s or chheeei itis s or c s or or choor cor c s or cc s or che s or che s or ccchhhhe WWWWhether fo Whether for h WWhetthhheWhetheer Whethetheer for hfor hffor hhheth ehethe oor coor cr r cheilitis r cheeiil islitis cheilitis chhh chechccchhheeeiill s chehhhee heeerrr ffofooforror hhr hh heeer for fforr hor h heilit er for h rr fffofoer forr hhhor h eilitis eeiilittis,, pro, prop, prpropphylaxiyla r foororor rr hhh r for rr r fffofor hhhhhhoome u r r hor or , prop , prophylaxixis o , , prprrorooopop , prprroopopop , roropooppproroop axis ,, pprprroroopopp oomome omeome oooomommmomeee uuuusssseeeee oooomommmeme umeeeeme use or dent ooomommmomemeeee uuuusssseeeee oooorrr dddr dentntt ooommmmmemeeee uuuse or dent mmmmemee uuuusssseeeeeuse oooorr d uusssseeee e oooorrr ddddeeeennnnttt su se or dent seeeee or dent e or dddeeenennt or dent or dentent oooorrr ddddeeeennnntt oooorrr ddddeeeennnnttteeennntaalaaall stud dddd ttt r t al studio al studios al studssststtstudiosdd al studiosdios o aal studios al ststudios or c al studios or c al al studios or c al salal studios or c al studios or c alaaaal ssststtutuuddi al sstudiosudios orr c studio studios studios or c ssststtudios or studios or c studios or c studios or cc tududios o tudio tuu udios or c ddio dios or cor cooorrr ios or c or orrr coor ccor nics.nlillinlinii i linliinnniinnniiclinnniicini lliinlinninics. PeriO3 Oil PeriOPeriOPeriOPeriOriOPeriOPerPPeriO333 OilOilOilOilO With patented triple formula of With patented triple iple formula of l olive oil, castor oil olive oil, castor oil and triple l, castor oil and triple and tripl oxygen (ozone). oxygen (ozone). oxygen (ozone). A cooling gel to be applied in A cooling gel to be a gel to be applied in ppl the pockets and after deep thethe the pockets and after deep cleaning to promote healing. cleecleclecleclclecccleeeea cleaning to promote h cleaning to prom ealing. Pure natural product. Purure natural product. PPPuPuuure natural pro PPPuPuuPPuPPPuPuu ure natural product. re natural product. pppro rof e rrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooofffffffffffffffffffff eeeeeeeeeeeeee p pppppppppppp s s iona ssssssssssssss sssssssssss iiiiiooooooooonnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa l lllllll u uuuuuuuuuuuuuu s sssssssssss e eeeeeeeeeeeeee o m e us oooooooo mmmmmmmmm eeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssss e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee h hhhhhhhh TASTER TASTER TASTER TASTER ASAS OFFER OFFERFFOFFERFFER 1 x PeriO3 Oil for professional users in studios and clinics 1 x PeriO3 Oil for professio Oil for professional users in stud Oil for professiona for professional users 1 x Gingiva Fit for patients 1 x Gingiva Fit for patients 1 x Gingiva Fit for patients to use at home x Gingiva Fit for patients in studios and clinicsics inic to use at h to use at hom to use at home use at Neither discoloration nor tongue numbness, neither skin irritation nor taste distortion, neither antibiotics nor cortisone additives: PeriO3 Oil – the gentle alternative to chlorhexidine. ne neither skin neither skin irritat neither neithe neither skin i neither skin i i neither skinski neither skin irrit itneiteieeiithhe s in neit ne either skin irri eithe either skin irr either skin iithe ther skin irritat r ski kin i n ir rr rit ion nor taste distort i Recommended by leading periodontists. Approved for all patient groups including small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. s: PeriO3 Oil – the g s: PeriO3 Oil – the g : PeriO PeriO3 O entle alternative to chlorhexidine. groups including small children, pregnant women and nursing mmmmmmoththtthoootothoooto e ss.errseerrss.eerrs exidine.dine.dineineeine.nennee
exidine. xiid nneiiinne. Neither discoloration Neither discoloration Neither discoloration either discoloratio discoloration dissc ocoloration scolor scoloratio scoloscoloration ra ionononno nor tongue numbness, nor tongue num nor tongue numb nor tongue numbness, nor tongue numbness oornor tongue numbness, nor tongue numbnes noorr tongue numbness, rnor to nor tongue numb or tongue numbn or tongue numbness, r tongue numbness r tongue numbness r tongue numbness r tongue nummbmb r tongueue tongue nu tongue tongue numbness ongue numbness, ngongue numbness, ongue numbness ngue numbn ngue numbn gu gue numb gue numbneesss gueue nuuu bne uueue neither antibiotics n neither antibiotics n neither antibiotics n neither antibiotics neither antibiotics n neither antibiot neither antibiotics nics n neither antibiotics n thneither antibiotics neither antibiotics n neither antibiotics neither antibiotic neither antibiotics n e umbneneesssees , heither antibiotics n either antibiotics n either antibiotic n ither antib ither antibiotics n ither antibiotics n ither antibiotic numbn thhe her her ant her antib er antibiotic er err antib er antibioticsti e mbn r antibiotics n aanntti ntibiotics n ibiotics n b ti titiccs or cortison d cs or cortison or cortisone additi orrr cortiso or cortisone additive or cortisone additive or cortisone additive or cortisone or cortison d or cortison or or ison r cortisone additi coortison coort oorttiisonson ortison d RRRRecommended by leading periodo Recommended by leading periodon Recommended by leading periodon ecommended by leading periodo y tists A tists. Approved for all patient ti ion, in ReRe 30 € incl. 30€30€30 €0€ incl. VAT VAT AD ADADDA Dental materials DDDentalt mm DDDDeDeDeentantntalntalttall ml ml mmmatateate DDDDDenDenenentalt ll mate DDDDe t llDDD taltallDDDDeDe tantaltaltal ate DDDDDeDe taltall mate tatal l l mm rials rialials r inspired by nature inininnspnspnspspspiredpiredpirediiireddedd bybyd byybbyb inspspspire nspiredpireireddd d by n reired by sp d spspipirpi eddd byd by spsp edd spi pppp ddd by pp byy yyyyy nat naturnature nattat nature n n n nn n turtur nature Hoffmann Dental Manufaktur GmbH Hoffmanannnnn Dental Manufaktur G nn T +49 30 820 09 90 TT TT +49 30 820 09 90 w mbH Find us at Booth Fininnd us at Booth in C3.08 CCC3.08