interview | In your opinion, what are the main benefits of choos- ing a laser system that includes two complementary wavelengths, such as Er:YAG and Nd:YAG, especially in the field of oral surgery? Very often, we combine these two wavelengths to conduct treatment in a fast, safe and predictable way. For me, it’s crucial to use these two complementary wavelengths— the interaction between the tissue and laser beam is quite different, and owing to these differences in absorption, transmission and scattering, we obtain different actions. For example, during root apicectomy, after flap elevation, I remove granulation soft tissue with the Er:YAG laser using the H14 handpiece with a cylindrical tip (or when I want to be more precise—a Varian tip) and the apicectomy is done with the H02 non-contact handpiece. As the next step, I conduct deep disinfection with the Nd:YAG laser (trans- mission in hydroxyapatite and absorption in pigmented bacteria) before bone augmentation. Finally, I finish the treatment with photo-biomodulation using the Nd:YAG laser. As you can see from this example, I need both of these two complementary wavelengths to achieve final success with fast healing and proper bone regeneration. One of your main fields of specialisation is implan- tology. Where does the laser fit in this field? We can use LightWalker for all implantology cases. Some- times, it’s only needed for better and faster wound healing (photo-biomodulation with the Nd:YAG laser), but very often it is necessary to conduct the treatment. For me, it’s the most important device during immediate implantation with immediate loading, especially when the bone must be very precisely cleaned of granulation soft tissue and disinfected. In the meantime, we can also provoke bleeding of the bone using the Er:YAG laser for superficial bone ablation. I also really appreciate the use of laser during bone grafting with the Khoury method. Sometimes, I combine this technique with immediate implantation, especially in the aesthetic zone. Then, after bone shield fixation, I can use the laser for bone recontouring. With the Er:YAG laser, it’s done very precisely—I remove sharp edges and create an emergence profile for the crown—and most importantly, everything is safe for the shield (almost no vibration, so we don’t lose stability) and the implant (no thermal effect). Of course, we can also use the Er:YAG laser for more common and “easy” procedures—like implant uncovering (Er:YAG). The healing is faster and we avoid suturing, but of course, even with the thin chisel tip, some amount of soft tissue is vapourised—so it cannot be conducted in all cases. In 2018, you defended your master’s thesis at RWTH Aachen University titled Comparison of Two Methods of Periimplantitis Treatment with the Use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Laser. Can you tell us more about that research? Owing to the increasing number of implants being placed, the development of peri-implantitis is a growing concern and one of the primary challenges in present-day dentistry. In cases of inflammation, it is necessary to implement treatment, or risk implant loss. However, until now, no uniform protocol or procedure has been defined which could be considered the best and the most effective solution. Different methods of treatment of tissue inflam- mation around the implant are used, depending on the extent of inflammation, method availability, type of defect, and skills and experience of the dental surgeon. We know that laser can be used for the treatment of inflammation in soft and hard tissue around implants, such as mucositis and peri-implantitis. I wanted to inves- tigate what kind of procedure would be the most effective and minimally invasive—so the question was whether we could use a minimally invasive, flapless procedure for proper treatment and solve the problem of inflammation. “I really appreciate the deep disinfection with Nd:YAG, which offers the highest bacterial reduction [...]” The procedures were conducted with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers. In the first group of patients, a mucoperiosteal flap was elevated in order to gain better access to the operative area, while the second group of patients was treated using a more minimally invasive procedure without the flap method. The assessment of treatment effectiveness involved clinical and radiographic examination before the surgical procedures and three months after the laser procedures. After conduct- ing the intra-oral examination and defining plaque, probing depth and bleeding on probing indices, photographic doc- umentation of a given area was performed, bitewing and occlusal surface radiographs were taken, and professional scaling and root planing were subsequently carried out. Based on my research, we know that non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis is effective and very often reduces inflamma- tion. Of course, when we have severe defects, it’s impossible to avoid a surgical procedure to elevate a flap to get proper access to the defect. In such cases too, we should use a non- surgical procedure as a first step to decrease the inflammation and, after two to three weeks, perform the flap procedure. Can you describe your standard laser protocol for peri-implantitis treatment? Firstly, we have to distinguish mucositis from peri-implantitis with a radiovisiograph and with the use of a periodontal probe. If possible, I remove the prosthetic restoration to get better access for the treatment. In our surgical protocol, we have five steps: (1) removal of granulation tissue with the use of the Er:YAG laser (cylindrical tip); (2) decontamination m o c . k c o t s r e t t u h S / c e V n a A © l roots 1 2022 43