| case report 10a 10b Figs. 10a & b: Situation after implant surgery. emergence profiles and the dental anatomy before copy- ing the latter in zirconia, the material in which the defini- tive crowns were to be made (with the vestibular addition of layered ceramic). Both the bone and the emergence profile were acceptable and made it possible to obtain, in association with careful and personalised prosthetic work, a functional and aesthetic result that was satisfac- tory for the patient. “Immediate implant placement is a technique that has undergone great evolution in recent years...” Discussion Immediate implant placement is a technique that has undergone great evolution in recent years; in fact, many of the conditions once considered contra-indications (such as active infection and lack of integrity of the ex- ternal cortical bone, especially if associated with a thin periodontal biotype) today constitute a clinical situation in which this technique is predictable if used with some complementary protocols. As demonstrated by the most recent scientific literature, the survival rate of immediately placed and occlusally loaded implants is now comparable to that of immediately placed implants restored according to the conventional loading protocol, but some key funda- 16 2 2021 mental factors for the aesthetic and functional therapeu- tic success of immediately placed and occlusally loaded implants do exist. Firstly, the 3D palatal positioning of the implant is a key element for the preservation of the buccal bone and for the reduction of the risk of bone dehiscence and gingival recession.4 Indeed, vestibular placement is associated with a greater resorption of the external cortical bone.12 Secondly, the gap generated between the implant sur- face and the buccal bone should ideally be at least 2 mm, in order to be able to leave adequate 3D space for socket filling and the formation of a good blood clot; in fact, recent studies show a negative correlation between a greater gap and the amount of vertical bone resorption.13 Thirdly, it is well established that the use of immediately loaded provisional crowns is crucial for the stability of the buccal gingival margin,11, 14, 15 for the protection of the surgical wound, clot and bone graft,12 for soft- tissue support and for the creation or maintenance of aesthetic papillae.11 Furthermore, the same result in terms of soft-tissue stability would be achieved regard- less of the biotype.11 Finally, it has been observed that non-immediate provisionalisation is associated with greater bone remodelling.16 Fourthly, the flapless technique, associated with min- imally invasive extraction, is another key factor for the success of immediately placed and occlusally loaded implants, mainly because it avoids any interruption of vascularisation, something crucial for the tissue regen- eration potential. In fact, recent studies recommend the use of a flapless protocol whenever possible to minimise marginal remodelling;16 nevertheless, there are clinical situations in which raising a surgical flap is indispens- able and prudent, especially in the presence of major bone defects or very unfavourable alveolar conditions. Fifthly, it has been suggested that, in association with the correct 3D placement of the implant, the connective tissue graft is an important factor for volumetric augmen- tation and soft-tissue maintenance, thus avoiding gingi- val recession and important aesthetic problems.17 More- over, it would also be able to provide adequate support to the underlying bone, thus contributing to its stability.18 Sixthly, the choice of prosthetic components is a key el- ement for tissue maintenance. Both the one abutment, one time protocol and the use of platform shifting favour- ably affect the stability of the tissue, as the use of abut- ments with narrower diameters than those of the implant platforms is essential to reduce marginal bone loss11, 19–21 and, in the presence of a thin biotype, to ensure sufficient biological width.11 In the case described, the therapeutic strategy regarding the number of implants and the type of prosthetic connec- tion and restoration proved to be essential for obtaining the final result. Specifically, the placement of four implants