| research Root third Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Apical Middle 845 (Gr. 2) 950 (Gr. 2) 975 (Gr. 2) 582 (Gr. 2) 632 (Gr. 2) 483 (Gr. 1) 183 (Gr. 1) 512 (Gr. 2) 579 (Gr. 2) 517 (Gr. 2) 917 (Gr. 2) 821 (Gr. 2) Coronal 380 (Gr. 1) 356 (Gr. 1) 504 (Gr. 2) 391 (Gr. 1) 718 (Gr. 2) 962 (Gr. 2) Table 2: Graded average dye penetration depths (μm). Gr. = grade. Ando & Hoshino.15 Therefore these bacteria are protected in the deeper layers of dentine. In this protected area, we find Gram-negative bacteria, which are characterised by their unusual migration qualities and their resistance to chemical irrigant solutions. They maintain their virulence against conventional endodontic techniques. And we find that, from this bacterial reservoir, the bacteria will spread to the periapical areas of the tooth, causing inflammation and infection.12 Since conventional root canal therapy is not always successful, new methods could perhaps en- hance the long-term prognosis and overcome the short- comings of conventional instrumentation methods.11 to achieve an adequate seal between the internal tooth structure and the main obturation material, gutta- percha.32 It has been found that approximately 60 % of endodontic failures are due to inadequate obturation of the root ca- nal system.33,34 Although gutta-percha is the most popular core material used for obturation, it cannot be used as the sole filling material because it lacks the adherent proper- ties necessary to seal the root canal space. Therefore, a sealer and cement are always needed for the final seal.35,36 The Resilon/Epiphany system uses a new obturation ma- terial that bonds chemically with the internal tooth struc- ture, thereby decreasing the possibility of microleakage.32 Today, lasers are used in endodontics to dramatically im- prove the prognosis of root-filled teeth.12 Laser irradiation produces different effects on the same tissue, and the same laser can produce various effects in different tis- sues. Er:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers have been reported to ablate dental hard tissue16–21 with minimum injury to the pulp and surrounding tissue.17–19,22–25 The Er:YAG la- ser has been reported to ablate enamel and dentine ef- fectively, because of its highly efficient absorption in both water and hydroxyapatite,16,20,21 and the Er,Cr:YSGG la- ser, which uses a pulsed beam system, fibre delivery and a sapphire tip bathed in a mixture of air and water va- pour, has been shown to be effective for cutting enamel, dentine18,20 and bone.18 Moreover, this specific property, combined with a water spray for both lasers, enables the effective removal of debris and the smear layer.23,26–31 The surface morphology of root canals can be altered by us- ing a 1,064 nm Nd:YAG laser. Remaining soft tissue as well as the smear layer can be partially or completely re- moved, depending on the energy level used.11 The Nd:YAG laser seems to be the laser of choice in root canal therapy. It is also the best-documented laser in the literature for root canal sterilisation. Most of the studies concerned with the Nd:YAG laser in endodontics deal with the quantitative evaluation of bacteria reduction.12 La- ser irradiation has been widely introduced in endodontic treatments as an aid to disinfection and the removal of debris and the smear layer from instrumented root canal walls and might be a solution for the various limitations and shortcomings of mechanical and chemical disinfec- tion. Microleakage continues to be a main reason for fail- ure of root canal therapy, where the challenge has been The scientific investigation of fundamental problems plays a decisive role in understanding the mechanisms of action of exposing biological materials to laser irradia- tion and their consequences.37 The purpose of this study is to analyse microleakage differences when removal of the smear layer is done conventionally, chemically (with and without EDTA) and with Er,Cr:YSGG and/or Nd:YAG laser irradiation and Resilon/Epiphany is used as the ob- turation material. Materials and methods In this study, 72 freshly extracted caries- and restoration- free single-canal bovine teeth38,39 stored in normal saline (0.9 %) at 4 °C were used, after scaling with scalpels or hand instruments to remove residual tissue and calculus and rinsing thoroughly with tap water. Samples were ran- domly divided into six groups of 12 teeth each. The work- ing lengths were established as 1 mm short of the apexes. The canals were hand instrumented with Kerr files (Maillefer) to the size of ISO 30 to this length in order to create an apical stop. The root canals were thoroughly rinsed with saline solution and gently dried using paper points (Dentsply Sirona). Then Groups 1 to 4 were irradiated by laser, and EDTA (Produits Dentaires; 15 ml, LOT 6217 FL) was used to remove the smear layer for some groups, followed by a final rinse with saline solution (Table 1). All 72 samples were prepared for obturation using the Resilon/Epiphany system. The canals were dried with absorbent paper points (Dentsply Sirona). A dry paper point was soaked with self-etching primer (SybronEndo; 6 ml, ref. No. 972-2007) and used to coat the root ca- 08 roots 4 2020