study | canal orifice depth and the discrepancies between the actual and planned access cavities. The discrepancies were measured in the 2D entry, 2D horizontal and verti- cal deviation from the canal orifice, 3D deviation from the canal orifice and 3D angular deviation. In addition to the discrepancies, a model for the total time was fitted with the same predictors. The significance level was set at p = 0.05. Backward elimination was used to reach a par- simonious model. Only terms with p < 0.05 were consid- ered for the final model. Post hoc pairwise comparisons were adjusted using Tukey’s adjustment. The null hypoth- esis was that the discrepancies and drilling time were independent of the tooth type, jaw and canal orifice depth. Results A total of 138 canals were drilled, 78 in maxillary and 60 in mandibular teeth. Of these, 36 were in anterior teeth, 72 were in molars and 30 were in premolars. The average drilling time was 57.8 seconds, and the average canal ori- fice depth was 12.4 mm. The overall mean 3D canal orifice deviation was 1.3 mm, the mean 3D angular deviation was 1.7°, and the mean 2D entry deviation, horizontal deviation from the canal orifice and vertical deviation from the ca- nal orifice were 1.1 mm, 0.9 mm and 1.0 mm, respectively. Descriptive summary statistics and the results of the ANCOVA analysis are given in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Drilling time was dependent on the canal orifice depth (p = 0.0007), tooth type and jaw, and the differences in tooth type were dependent on the jaw (p < 0.0001). For a 1 mm increase in the canal orifice depth, the drilling time increased by 7.6 seconds (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 3.26–11.91). The 2D entry deviations were higher in the maxilla (1.23 vs 0.85; 95 % CI on difference: 1.05–0.65). The 2D horizontal deviation from the canal orifice was significantly higher for the maxillary teeth compared with the mandibular teeth (p = 0.0206). The average deviation for the maxillary teeth was 0.97 mm compared with 0.70 mm for the mandibular teeth, producing an average difference of 0.27 mm (95 % CI on difference: 0.04–0.50). The 2D vertical deviation from the canal orifice was depen- dent on the tooth type (p = 0.0344). Post hoc pairwise com- parisons found that molars had significantly higher average deviation than premolars did (adjusted p = 0.0270). The 3D deviation from the canal orifice was marginally significantly different between the two jaws (p = 0.0523). The average deviation was higher in the mandible at 1.4 mm compared with 1.2 mm for the maxilla (95 % CI on dif ference: 0.00–0.44). Overall, 3D angular deviation was dependent on the tooth type (p = 0.0288). The average deviation for molars was 1.9°, significantly higher than the 1.4° average for premolars (adjusted p = 0.0403; 95 % CI on difference: 0.02–1.00). The average for anterior teeth (1.5°) was not significantly different from that for molars (adjusted p = 0.1633) or premolars (adjusted p = 0.7943). All 2D and 3D discrepancies were independent of the canal orifice depths (p > 0.05). Discussion This is the first study to demonstrate and evaluate the potential use of high-speed drills and precision micro- endodontic high-speed burs with dynamic navigation to effectively prepare conservative access cavities in anterior Table 1: Summary of time, depth and discrepancy measures by jaw and tooth type (mean, SD) Measures Overall Jaw.. Tooth Type Maxilla Mandible Anterior Molar Premolar Total time (s) 57.8, 61.91 45.6, 41.20 67.2, 72.89 142.1, 63.46 32.2, 21.14 18.2, 8.11 Canal orifice depth (mm) 12.4, 4.04 13.6, 3.71 11.5, 4.08 18.8, 1.83 10.2, 0.89 10.2, 1.84 2D entry deviation (mm) 1.1, 0.80 0.9, 0.65 1.2, 0.87 1.0, 0.80 1.0, 0.80 1.2, 0.82 2D horizontal deviation from canal orifice (mm) 2D vertical deviation from canal orifice (mm) 0.9, 0.69 1.0, 0.78 0.7, 0.51 0.8, 0.57 0.9, 0.77 0.8, 0.60 1.0, 0.64 0.9, 0.68 1.0, 0.60 0.9, 0.63 1.1, 0.66 0.7, 0.52 3D deviation from canal orifice (mm) 1.3, 0.65 1.2, 0.57 1.4, 0.70 1.3, 0.59 1.4, 0.71 1.1, 0.56 3D angular deviation (°) 1.7, 0.98 1.7, 0.90 1.7, 1.04 1.5, 0.78 1.9, 1.14 1.4, 0.62 roots 3 2020 13