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CLINICAL MASTERS Volume 4 — Issue 2018

“I believe one can become a better teacher if one understands and masters the clinical reality” Q: Can you tell us about your favorite instrument choices for the hands-on part of the program? A: W&H’s Implantmed and Piezomed motors and handpieces, Hu-Friedy instruments, botiss bioma- terials, MIS Implants Tech- nologies, Butterfly Italia sutures and BoneModels. It is a part of my character that I don’t like to make compromises. Therefore, in my hands-on part of the program, I always like to use the instruments and materials that I use in my daily practice. The mentioned companies and products are part of my daily work. W&H provides the best implant motor available on the market right now. With an integrated insertion torque measure- ment system, implant stability measure- ment (Implant Stability Quotient) and wireless foot control, it is easy to use and one of the most important tools during surgery. With just one click of the foot control, one can switch immediately to the piezoelectric surgery device, one of the most powerful on the market. Of course, Hu-Friedy instruments with their unique design and precision are always to hand in every dental procedure. I can’t work without them. botiss biomaterials is my personal choice for any regenerative procedure during surgeries. The products that I prefer and have mostly used during the last several years are collacone, cerabone, Jason fleece and the new permamem membrane. The V3 implant from MIS with the new B+ surface and an innovative design is my choice when it comes to implants. Besides surgery and owing to my prosthodontic background, the variety and precision of the prosthetic options makes my life easier, providing my patients with the highest quality possible. Finally, when it comes to teaching, I believe BoneModels is a very reliable company for surgical and prosthetic hands-on courses. The quality of the soft and hard tissue is unique, imitating real human tissue. Proce dures like immediate implant placement and temporization, soft- and hard-tissue augmentation, and sinus lift are some of the clinical proce- dures that can be performed and demon- strated on these models. Q: Recently you started using one of the most innovative implants on the market—V3. What got you interested in this new concept, and what have your experiences been so far? A: V3 is a really innovative concept pro- viding a triangular shape at the coronal part of the implant body. This helps to reduce the pressure at the usually thin coronal part of the crestal bone, prevent- ing bone resorption. Regarding prosthe- ses, different possibilities, such as concave- shaped single- unit abutments and single anti- rotational multiunit abut- ments for single- implant restorations, provide a variety of solutions for every case. More recently, an amazing innova- tive internal connection single unit abut- ment came to the market, making pros- thetics and the concept I love (one-time abutment) even more successful. Q: Your big passions are skiing and kitesurf- ing. What do you enjoy about these sports? What ski resorts and kite locations can you recommend as your favorites? A: That’s true. That’s my second passion besides dentistry. I cannot imagine myself without sport activities, with skiing and kitesurfing being two of them. My favor- ite ski resorts are Zermatt–Cervinia in Europe and Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in the U.S. For kitesurfing, I would definitely rec- ommend my favorite Greek island, which is Paros and Aruba in the Caribbean Sea. Interview Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry issue 2018 — 17 Attending and participating in those meetings (one closed and one open annu- ally) is really challenging, stimulating dis- cussions at a really high level and promot- ing dentistry. This year, the meeting will be held in Sorrento, Italy, on May 24–26, and Dr. Stefano Gracis, President of the EAED, has prepared an outstanding scien- tific program (under the theme of “Strat- egies in treatment planning: Efficiency vs reliability”; Q: How does the Milan session connect with the rest of the Clinical Masters™ in Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry program? A: The Milan session takes place in one of the best organized facilities for prostho- dontic courses in Europe, the Master Educa tional Group, and is presented together with Dr. Domenico Massironi, a pioneer in microscopic prosthodontics. Over these four days, in a really intensive and comprehensive session, participants have the opportunity to learn how to use and prepare teeth with a microscope during the first two days, while in the last two days, larger full-mouth cases are dis- cussed, with demonstration and hands-on work, analyzing ways to alter the vertical dimension of occlusion with different cen- tric relation techniques. It’s a unique opportunity to take prac- tical knowledge and apply it directly the next week.

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