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Dental Tribune Spanish Edition No. 3, 2018

27. Widmann G, Bale RJ. Accuracy in computer-aided implant surgery. A review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Im- plants 2006; 21 : 305-313. 28. Sarment DP, Sukovic P, Clinthor- ne N. Accuracy of implant placement with a stereolithographic surgical guide. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18: 571-577. 29. Norton MR, Gamble C. Bone clas- sification: an objective scale of bone density using the computarized to- mography scan. Clin Oral Impl Res 2001; 12: 79-84. 30. Shahlaie M, Gantes B, Schulz E, Riggs M, Crigger M. Bone density as- sessments of dental implant sites: 1. Quantitative computed tomography. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2003; 18: 224-231. 31. Song YD, Jun SH, Kwon JJ. Co- rrelation between bone quality eva- luated by cone-beam computarized tomography and implant primary stability. Int J Oral Maxillofac Im- plants 2009; 24: 59-64. 32. Schneider D, Marquardt P, Zwahlen M, Jung RE. A systematic review on the accuracy and the cli- nical outcome of computer-guided template-based implant dentistry. Clin Oral Impl Res 2009; 20 (suppl. 4): 73-86. 33. Ganz SD. Use of stereolitho- graphic models as diagnostic and restorative aids for predictable im- mediate loading of implants. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2003; 15: 763- 771. 34. Oyama K, Kan JYK, Kleinman AS, Rungcharassaeng K, Lozada JL, Goodacre CJ. Misfit of implant fixed complete denture following Primera Plana 5 computer-guided surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009; 24: 124- 130. 35. Scher ELC. A gross error occu- rred when treatment planning a gui- ded surgery case. Implant Dentistry 2009; 18: 297-302. 36. Tardieu PB, Vrielinck L, Escolano E. Computer-assisted implant place- ment. A case report : treatment of the mandible. Int J Oral Maxillofac Im- plants 2003; 18: 599-604. 37. Casap N, Tarazi E, Wexler A, Son- nenfeld U, Lustmann. Intraoperative computarized navigation for flapless implant surgery and immediate loa- ding in the edentulous mandible. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005; 20: 92-98. DENTAL TRIBUNE Spain a fixed denture: preliminary results after a mean follow-up period of thir- teen months. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 97: S26-S34. 16. Sanna AM, Molly L, van Steen- berghe D. Immediately loaded CAD- CAM manufactured fixed complete dentures using flapless implant pla- cement procedures: a cohort study of consecutive patients. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 97 : 331-339. 17. Velasco E, Garcia A, Segura JJ, Medel R, España A. Cirugía guiada y carga inmediata en implantología oral. I. Consideraciones diagnósticas y quirúrgicas. Rev Esp Odontoesto- matol Impl 2008; 16: 211-218. 18. Velasco E, Pato J, López J, Poyato M, Lorrio JM. Cirugía guiada y car- ga inmediata en implantología oral. II. Consideraciones oclusales y pros- todóncicas. Rev Esp Odontoestoma- tol Impl 2008; 16: 221-228. 19. Valente F, Schiroli G, Sbrenna A. Accuracy of computer-aided oral im- plant surgery: a clinical and radio- graphic study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009; 24 : 234-242. 20. Komiyama A, Klinge B, Hultin M. Treatment outcome of immediately loaded implants installed in edentu- lous jaws following computer-assis- ted virtual treatment planning and flapless surgery. Clin Oral Implant Res 2008; 19: 677-685. 21. Siebegger M, Schneider BT, Mis- chkowski RA, Lazar F, Krug B, Kle- sper B, Zoller JE. Use of an image- guided navigation system in dental implant surgery in antomically com- plex operations sites. J Cranio-Maxi- llofac Surg 2001; 29: 276-281. 22. Marchack CB. CAD/CAM-gui- ded implant surgery and fabri- cation of an immediately loaded prosthesis for a partially edentu- lous patient. J Prosthet Dent 2007; 97: 389-394. 23. Widmann G, Widmann R, Wid- mann E, Jaschke W, Bale R. Use of a surgical navigation system for CT- guided template production. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2007; 22 : 72-78. templates 24. Lal K, White GS, Morea DN, Wright RF. Use of stereolithogra- phic for surgical and prosthodontic implant planning and placement. Part I. The concept. J Prosthodont 2006; 15: 51-58. templates 25. Lal K, White GS, Morea DN, Wright RF. Use of stereolithogra- phic for surgical and prosthodontic implant planning and placement. Part II. A clinical report. J Prosthodont 2006; 15: 117-122. 26. Hoffmann J, Westendorff C, Go- mez-Roman G, Reinert S. Accuracy of navigation-guided socket drilling before implant installation compared to the conventional free-hand method in a synthetic edentulous lower jaw model. Clin Oral Impl Res 2005; 16: 609-614.

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