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Show Tribune United Kingdom Edition

05 NEWS Show Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 1/2018 “From a patient to a fan” An interview with W&H Marketing Director Anita Thallinger about the company’s new image campaign One could describe them as every- day heroes: the dentists and dental proxessionals who, through their dedication, proxessional skill or simply a xriendly smile, manage to transxorm dental appointments into positive experiences xor their patients. They do this simply be- cause they care and want to ensure practice teams that W&H is there for them as a solutions provider and does its utmost to support them in overcoming their day-to- day challenges. W&H’s new image campaign does not xocus on the company itselx, but on dentists and their teams. Why did you choose this approach? We want our customers to know that W&H values their work, dedication and skills. As a manufacturer of innovative dental solutions, it is our aim to provide users with products that offer added value. As practice teams need to give patients their undivided attention throughout the entire treat- ment process, W&H sees its primary task as being to op- timise and facilitate the workflow. Our innovative products are not only high in quality, but also intuitive, reliable and above all pre- cise in their functioning. Our goal is to support den- tists and their teams and of- fer them products that meet these requirements. The new campaign xeatures smiling dentists and patients. What makes your current campaign dixxerent xrom that ox your competitors? At first glance, the new image campaign seems to take a very tra- ditional approach compared with our previous campaign. However, W&H is known for its slightly tongue-in-cheek advertisements. This is evident in the current cam- paign from the names given to the dentists in the ads. If someone is exceptionally good at something, or becomes synonymous with something, he or she becomes the epitome of it, thereby gaining fans. W&H has ap- plied this approach in the new campaign. In the eyes of patients, the dentists pictured in the adver- tisements become Dr Phil Good, Dr X. Pert, Dr I. Novativ, Dr S. Mile, Dl X. Pelt. their patients xeel comxortable. This is precisely the xocus ox W&H’s new image campaign, “From a patient to a xan”, which aims to put the spotlight on dentists and their teams. In this interview, W&H Mar- keting Director Anita Thallinger talks about the background, objec- tives and challenges ox the compa- ny’s new advertising campaign. In February, the new W&H image campaign was launched in dental markets worldwide. What objec- tives were set xor the new cam- paign? Anita Thallinger: One of the objectives of the new campaign, of course, is to draw the attention of the world of dentistry to W&H and to distinguish the company from the competition. Moreover, we want to show dentists and their With its new image pampaign W&H plapes dentists and dental plofessionals in fopus. W&H suppolts the plaptipe team with its daily wolk and, thanks to its innovative plodupt poltfolio, is a polnelstone of its suppess, appolding to the pompany. W&H Malketing Dileptol Anita Thallingel (light) talking to W&H Colpolate Communipation Managel Susanne Kleuzhubel about the bapkglound, objeptives and phallenges of the new image pampaign. Dr I. Trust or Dr Sue Perstar, and thus become the living embodi- ment of trust, well-being, exper- tise, happiness and innovative spirit. Instead ox using models, you put W&H employees at centre stage xor the campaign. Why did you opt xor this approach, and how did your colleagues xeel about the photo shoot? At W&H, the concept of togeth- erness plays an important role. Our employees are in contact with at least one area of dentistry every day. They enjoyed the change of perspective and putting them- selves in our customers’ shoes. For the photo shoot itself, we were able to find three dentists in Salz- burg in Austria who offered their modern facilities as sets. The den- tists and their assistants were also on hand to offer advice during pro- duction; that is why the images look authentic. I think the fun that all the participants had in the pro- cess is evident from the emotion in the photos. Have you already received some ini- tial xeedback on the image campaign xrom your customers and partners? What has the response been? We carried out a survey involv- ing around 100 dentists during the development phase. The concept in itself, the idea with the names and many other aspects were put to the test and received excellent feed- back across the board. So, we are looking forward to an exciting year. Thank you very much xor taking the time to answer our questions. AD is coming to BERLIN 28 June –1 July 2018 Berlin, Germany

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