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prevention International magazine for oral health No. 1, 2018

theory of prophylaxis | ered by world-class speakers, supported by a record number of more than 1,700 abstracts, which will be presented via oral presentations, poster discussions and e-posters. Furthermore, the EFP offi cially launched the phase of international dissemination of its Perio and Caries proj- ect, supported by Colgate, which allows all EFP-affi li- ated societies to take advantage of a wide array of sci- entifi c and educational content, including brochures, reports, infographics, videos and other material. The Perio and Caries awareness project builds on the knowledge extracted from Perio Workshop 2016, the top-level scientifi c conference organised by the EFP jointly with the European Organisation for Caries Research in November 2016 in La Granja in Spain. EFP- affi liated societies are offered all Perio and Caries publica- tions free and encouraged to disseminate, edit or translate them if they wish. This process has proved successful with a similar initiative previously developed by the EFP, the Oral Health and Pregnancy project, supported by Oral-B, which is now being disseminated by 20 national member societies in their respective languages and countries. EFP Graduate Research Prizes in Periodontology The fi rst prize of the EFP Graduate Research Prizes in Perio - dontology, which is given to the best research from EFP-accredited graduate perio programmes, was awarded to the study “At least three phenotypes exist among periodontitis patients”, authored by Dr Chryssa Delatola, Prof. Bruno Loos, Dr Evgeni Levin and Dr Marja Laine from the Netherlands. The second prize was given to research titled “Reduced platelet hyper-reactivity and platelet-leukocyte ag- gregation after periodontal therapy”, a paper written by Dr Efthymios Arvanitidis, Dr Sergio Bizzarro, Dr Elena Álvarez Rodríguez, Prof. Bruno Loos and Dr Elena Nicu, also from the Netherlands. The third prize went to the study “Oral health in relation to all-cause mor- tality: The IPC cohort study” by Dr Nicolas Danchin from France, Prof. David Batty from the UK and Prof. Philippe Bouchard from France. Concerning personal recognition, Prof. Jan Wennström received the EFP Distinguished Scientist Award, and Prof. Stefan Renvert the EFP Distinguished Service Award. Strengthening the message “As the EFP reinforces its leadership and its role as the world bench- mark in gingival health and periodontal disease, it is time for us to strengthen the message that gingival health brings not only oral health but also overall health, well-being and quality of life through- out a whole lifetime, and particularly among the population aged over 60,” highlighted Sculean. “I am deeply happy and honoured to lead this exciting time for the EFP and for periodontology in Europe, as we’ll keep working on promoting its acknowledgement as a recognised dental specialty in all EFP countries, and on turning it into an area of interest for dentists, dental students and patients across Europe.” Wimmer said, “I am proud that this 2018 general assembly has brought together here in Vienna many of the most brilliant perio- dontal scientists, clinicians and teachers in the world, to review progress made over the last year and to prepare future action with the aim of tackling the hidden epidemic of periodontal disease. Now I’m ready to continue to contribute to the success of ex- citing forthcoming EFP projects, starting with EuroPerio9 next June.” Other major outcomes of the Vienna general assembly were the launch of the EFP app for accessing key EFP content via smart- phones and tablets, recognition of the Lithuanian periodontology society as a full-member society and the decision to hold Perio Master Clinic 2019 in Hong Kong next year. EFP—The global benchmark in periodontology The EFP is the driving force behind EuroPerio—the world’s leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry—and Perio Workshop, a globally leading meeting on periodontal sci- ence. It is an umbrella non-profi t organisation that brings together 30 national scientifi c societies of periodontology in Europe, north- ern Africa and the Middle East, which together comprise about 14,000 specialist dentists, researchers and other members of the dental team focused on improving periodontal science and prac- tice. The EFP also edits the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, one of the most authoritative scientifi c publications in this fi eld. More information can be obtained at prevention 1 2018 07

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