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prevention International magazine for oral health No. 1, 2018

| peri-implantitis 40 prevention 1 2018 tools to easily establish a positive home care dental regi- men. CURAPROX’s products are often gentler than other products, and this meant that it went against the general trend of the market for the past few years. However, this softness is extremely beneficial, as it helps to prevent damage to tissue and teeth. What role does the implant design play for oral hy- giene? Reuss: Implant prostheses are not easy to clean. The implant has a very thin cylinder compared with the anat- omy of the tooth. The design of the implant needs to accommodate the structure of the overall anatomy, as well as the neighbouring teeth. In the case of missing periodontal tissue or of full-arch restorations, we need to have a different implant design. In any case, we use the design most suitable for oral hygiene measures, especially in non-aesthetic areas. For example, for lower arch rehabilitations, we try to have no contact with the soft tissue. That is not possible in the up- per arch. But we want to have implant surfaces that can be polished easily. Interdental brushes and dental floss also need to be used regularly. We work very closely with the laboratory and have clear instructions. Tissue contact continues to be crucial. Finally, optimal prevention and oral health require an interdisciplinary partnership. How do you work with other medical doctors towards achieving over- all health for your patients? Reuss: As healthcare professionals, we see patients every day who are sent to us by heart specialists, endo- crinologists, and so on. This is because there is an intrin- sic relationship, proved by many studies, between oral health and overall health. For example, we have patients who have been referred by cardiologists who have de- tected some form of cardiovascular disease and want their patients to be orally healthy as soon as possible. We also have diabetics referred to us by endocrinolo- gists, often straight out of the hospital. This is because, if they have anything wrong with their mouths, an infection or anything that needs to be addressed, it is essential that this issue is resolved so that the diabetes-related is- sues may also be resolved. Patients need to know about these relationships. Llorente: We always have to contact doctors if the patient has a special need. Interestingly, medical doc- tors send us their patients with immunosuppression and other conditions to get rid of the dental problems. In com- parison with other medical disciplines, we can quickly manage to control the inflammation and regain the mi- crobial balance in the mouth, thereby helping the overall immune system. The dental knowledge of general med- ical doctors is growing, as they understand the need for a healthy mouth for general health.

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