systemic diseases | To me, this really is a very personal matter, as I fell pregnant while establishing the cooperation concern- ing pregnancy gingivitis with the EFP. I find it worrying that pregnant women are hardly ever informed about the importance of good oral health during pregnancy. There- fore, I was passionate about establishing the Oral-B/EFP cooperation and lead the joint campaign. Our aim is to better educate dental professionals and medical pro- fessionals in general, as well as the wider public, on the importance of good oral health during pregnancy. Could you explain the changes in the bodies of preg- nant women that cause pregnancy gingivitis? The biggest hormonal changes in a woman’s life take place during pregnancy. It is a period of great change and obviously the mouth is one of the main areas affected by such changes, which in itself can lead to gingivitis. prevention 1 2018 23 . r e t h g u a d d o - h t n o m l - 4 r e h h t i w r e r o B a n i r a C a n A r D j Biologically, that makes per- fect sense, but how widely accepted is this point of view? Although clinical research on the matter has existed for years, it is still a fairly neglected topic. Not only does it not receive enough attention from dental professionals, it is also largely overseen by healthcare profes- sionals such as gynaecologists and midwives. When I was preg- nant, I was warned about many potential risks, ranging from fly- ing to eating sushi or dying my hair! I did enough research on the aforementioned “risks” to conclude that there is no scien- tific data to support these. How- ever, no one—my gynaecologist included—told me to go and see a dental professional or take care of my oral health.