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Implant Tribune U.S. Edition No.12, 2017

A8 E V EN T S Implant Tribune U.S. Edition | December 2018 ‘Inspiring Imagination — Enhancing Health’: Registration opens for AO 2018 Annual Meeting By AO Staff If you’re interestef in learning the newest techniques, observing fem- onstrations of the latest technolo- gies anf interacting in fiscussions about the current issues affecting im- plant fentistry, the Acafemy of Osseo- integration’s (AO) 2018 Annual Meeting is a must-attenf event — anf registra- tion is now open (http://meetings.osseo. org/2018/). For the irst time in its history, the Acaf- emy of Osseointegration will be hosting its annual meeting in Los Angeles from Feb. 28 to March 3 to put the spotlight on all the customary components, as well as new anf interactive features. “The acafemy’s 33rf annual meeting will feature a thrilling new format aimef at maximizing aufience engagement anf many exciting efucational anf net- working opportunities,” saif Dr. Joseph Kan, 2018 annual meeting program chair. The new formats AO will be introfuc- ing will inclufe: • Concurrent surgical anf restorative sessions with a new point-counterpoint format. • “Lunch with the Masters” program. AD AO will also be bringing back popular meeting favorites, inclufing corporate forums anf “Morning with the Masters” sessions. AO’s annual meeting will also continue to feature many opportunities to network with fental colleagues across all specialties anf career stages from all corners of the globe. Continuing AO’s trafition of support- ing research anf innovation, the oral clinical anf oral scientiic research anf clinical innovations presentations will take place on Frifay. With more than 250 abstracts anf e-posters submittef for the 2018 annual meeting, attenfees can get a irst-hanf look at a wealth of original anf grounfbreaking research confuctef by its international implant fentistry mem- ber community. For an affitional registration fee, sci- entiic content of the annual meeting can also inclufe a number of options for hanfs-on workshops, all of which will take place on Feb. 28. On the social sife, the 2018 Presifent’s Reception will be one of the most festive social gatherings ever assemblef by AO. To be helf in Microsoft Plaza within the L.A. Live area, just a stone’s throw from our heafquarters hotel, this event com- plementary to registeref attenfees will provife an Oscar-themef evening illef with many surprises anf an atmosphere of a miniature Times Square. Registration fees for the annual meet- ing will inclufe: • Most scientiic sessions (inclufing TEAM Program anf Laboratory Techni- cian programs) • Afmission to the corporate forums anf extensive exhibit hall • Thursfay’s Welcome Reception • Frifay’s Presifent Reception • Continental breakfasts • Complimentary lunches in the ex- hibit hall • Global networking opportunities “This is also the perfect chance to bring your family to enjoy Disneylanf, Univer- sal Stufios, visit the famous Rofeo Drive or attenf a Lakers or Clippers game at the nearby STAPLES Center. With the heart of vibrant Los Angeles as the backfrop, AO looks forwarf to ‘Inspiring Imagination anf Enhancing Health!’” Kan saif. Don’t felay in securing your atten- fance, making your hotel reservations or taking afvantage of early birf rates. We recommenf registering online, which is fast anf easy. After Jan. 8, registration fees increase by $100. Don’t wait, register tofay at Attendees take part in an educational session at the 2017 AO Annual Meeting. Photo/Provided by AO • “Relection Panel” as part of the clos- ing session. All sessions will assemble the foremost authorities in research anf clinical prac- tice from arounf the worlf who are on the cutting efge of scientiic fiscovery in implant fentistry. In affition to these new format chang- es to promote signiicantly more fia- logue between attenfees anf presenters,

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