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Implant Tribune U.S. Edition No.04, 2018

IMPLANT TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Implant Newspaper · U.S. Edition APRIL 2018 — Vol. 13, No. 4 This is big! Everything’s bigger in Texas, including AAID’s annual implant conference By AAID Staff The American Academy of Im- plant Dentistry is hosting its 67th annual conference in Dal- las, from Sept. 26–29. Visit aaid. com/aaid2018 to view the program. From digital dentistry to hands-on workshops, our educational programs are designed to help attendees, mem- bers and nonmembers identify, treat and avoid complications while clearly picturing patient treatment. In fact, at the annual conference there will be 15 workshops, three specific break-out tracks for your dental implant team and 19 main podium speakers. Earn up to 20 hours of implant-specific C.E. during the three-day event. The AAID is excited about this year’s speaker lineup, especially the keynote session on Wednesday, Sept. 26. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the award-winning, chief medical correspondent for CNN, will provide his insights into the human im- pact of medicine and will add clarity and context to our educational mission. Dentists are encouraged to bring their team this year. Hygienists, dental as- sistants and administrative staff can choose from a track that specifically meets their individual needs. When you’re not attending sessions, there are plenty of sights to see in Dal- las, such as the Reunion Tower, Dealey Plaza and the West End. Add the Texas State Fair to your list of places to visit! It is an amazing experience, AAID staff asserts. Dental implant teams are encouraged to attend the AAID annual conference together. Photo/ Provided by AAID Staff AAID’s annual conference is a wonder- ful opportunity to network with peers, listen to world-renowned speakers and gain hands-on experience with the lat- est techniques. Register to attend the AAID’s annual conference in Dallas, “The future is now”! Go to to register or call AAID at (312) 335-1550. New AAP president outlines goals for 2018 By Sierra Rendon, Managing Editor At the Chicago Midwinter Meet- ing in February, Implant Tri- bune had the opportunity to meet with newly elected Acade- my of Periodontology President Steven R. Daniel, DDS, a periodontist in Murfrees- boro, Tenn. Here’s his update on the AAP and his perspective on the industry. What advances have you seen in implant dentistry and periodontology, and how has this affected your practice and your teaching efforts? A rise in the popularity of dental implants and its implications on periodontal dis- ease — peri-implantitis treatment — has come to be a key component of periodon- tal care and on how we define disease. Im- plants, with the proper care, can last for many years. But they are not a fix-it-and- forget-it solution; they require care and maintenance from a periodontist Additionally, regenerative procedures have been a game-changer in restoring gum and bone tissue, in turn restor- ing periodontal health. Membranes (fil- ters), bone grafts or tissue-stimulating proteins can be used to encourage your body’s natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue. Eliminating existing bacteria and regenerating bone and tissue helps to reduce pocket depth and repair damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease. With a combination of daily oral hy- giene and professional maintenance care, you’ll increase the chances of keeping your natural teeth — and decrease the chances of other health problems associ- ated with periodontal disease. We believe the periodontist is in the best position to use this technology to treat ailing and failing dental implants. Finally, a greater understanding of the perio-systemic link: the fact that gum health is a component of whole-body health. With links between periodontal disease and systemic disease, there is research that suggests that periodontal treatment might alleviate the severity of certain conditions, in turn reducing active volunteer since 1998. I’ve held posi- tions on the strategic planning, scientific oversight and editorial liaison commit- tees. Additionally, I spent six years on the Board of Trustees before being elected to secretary/treasurer in 2014. I served as president of the Tennessee Society of Periodontists and a trustee for the South- ern Academy of Periodontology. As president, I am the spokesperson for the academy. This has been both an hon- or and a humbling experience. Meeting global leaders has demonstrated that peri- odontists the world over share the same goal: to work with our colleagues to re- store and then preserve good oral health. What are your specific goals for your time as AAP president? My goals include the following: • Providing practitioners with tangible materials from scientific meetings; offer- ing guidance that is useful in day-to-day practice; real-world perspective to what we discover about treatment modalities ” See AAP, page B2 New AAP President Steven R. Daniel at the Chicago Midwinter Meeting. Photo/ Sierra Rendon, Managing Editor the length of hospital stays and medical costs. What has been your experience with the American Academy of Periodontology? I have been a member since 1983 and an

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