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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 1, 2018

I n d i v i d u a l i z e d t i t a n i u m s c a f f o l d s Table 3 Distribution of defect regions in maxillae and mandibles. Total number of defect regions: n = 115. Parameter Distribution in % (number of cases) Table 3 Simultaneous implantation with iCTS placement Number of implants per defect size Superstructure available Yes No 0 1 2 3 4 6 Yes No Not specified 56.5 43.5 8.7 39.1 38.3 7.0 6.1 0.9 36.5 61.7 1.7 (65) (50) (10) (45) (44) (8) (7) (1) (42) (71) (2) Depending on the initial situation and potential for primary implant stability, implants were inserted simultaneously with iCTS placement in 65 cases (56.5%) or 5–8 months after augmen- tation in 50 defect regions (43.5%; Table 3). A superstructure was available in 42 defect regions (36.5%). Mainly 1 or 2 implants were inserted in each defect region (39.1% and 38.3%; Table 3). Wo u n d h e a l i n g a n d e x p o s u r e o f i C T S During the follow-up period of 6 months until re-entry, no healing complications were observed in 82 of the defect regions (71.3%; Table 4a). For the other 33 defects, the following healing complications were identified: 15 cases with iCTS exposure (13.0%), 7 cases with post- operative infection of the surgical area (6.1%) and 6 cases with loosening of the iCTS (5.2%). In 3 of the defect regions, exposure or loosening of the iCTS, together with postoperative infec- tion, was documented (2.6%; Table 4a). Prema- ture removal of exposed iCTSs was not neces- sary in any of the cases. In 1 defect region, healing complications were not specified (0.9%). One augmented site without any signs of dehis- cence had to be regrafted owing to postopera- tive infection (0.9%; Table 4a). Six months postsurgery, all of the aug- mented regions showed sufficiently grafted volume. Staged implant placement was possi- ble in all of the cases. The following postoper- ative complications were documented: Minor loss of the grafted volume in 45 cases (39.1%) was regrafted at re-entry when deemed nec- essary, an intervening layer of fibrous tissue between the bone graft and scaffold was observed in 46 defects (40.0%), and over- growth of the scaffold by bone occurred in 25 regions (21.7%; Table 4b). Wo u n d d e h i s c e n c e Overall, 26 of the 115 defect regions developed wound dehiscence (22.6%), while 89 did not (77.4%; Table 5a). According to wound dehis- cence classification, wound dehiscence was point-shaped in 8 of the cases (30.8%), < 10 mm in 11 of the cases (42.3%) and > 10 mm in 2 of the cases (7.7%). In 5 of the cases with dehis- cence, the classification of wound dehiscence was not specified (19.2%). E f f e c t s o f d e m o g r a p h i c a n d s u r g e r y - r e l a t e d f a c t o r s o n w o u n d d e h i s c e n c e The grafted volume in the defect regions with dehiscence (1,173 ± 1,145 μL) was not statistically different from that in the regions without dehis- cence (923.3 ± 751.6 µL; P = 0.395; Fig. 2 & Table 5b). Surgery-related parameters, including gingival morphotype (P = 0.183), surgical access (P = 0.205), membrane coverage (P = 0.927) and regio iCTS, coded (P = 0.173), did not show significant asso- ciation with the prevalence of dehiscence (Table 5c). However, it should be noted, that a tendency to higher prevalence of dehiscence with mesiodistal width of the defect (regio iCTS: P = 0.062; Table 5c) was observed, but statisti- cal significance was not achieved. No association of wound dehiscence with demographic (age, sex) or potential risk factors (smoking, periodon- tal disease) was found, as proved by different statistical approaches (Tables 6a & b). 42 Volume 4 | Issue 1/2018 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

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