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today SCANDEFA Copenhagen, 2018

news sults. W&H supports the practice team with its daily tasks and is a cor- nerstone of its success with its inno- vative product portfolio. “The daily challenges faced by the practice team are our motivation. As a solutions provider, our products help ensure that the workflow in the New W&H image campaign to support everyday heroes (cid:132) With its new image campaign “From a patient to a fan”, W&H is di- recting the spotlight on dentists and dental professionals. These every- day heroes ensure their patients are in safe and reliable hands in every treatment situation. They always show great dedication to their work and continuously manage to put a smile on their patients’ faces, simply because they care. Even the smallest of their patients’ difficulties is a ma- jor concern. That is why they are al- ways gaining new “fans” and suc- ceed again in making their patients happy. The new W&H image campaign gives these heroes the recognition they deserve. With a perfect balance of know-how, empathy and techno- logy, they can achieve optimal re- W&H Managing Director Peter Malata AD The Dental Tribune International Magazines I would like to subscribe to ortho* prevention* roots Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation*** EUR 44 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 46 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). * EUR 22 per year (2 issue per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 23 per year (2 issue per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). ** EUR 12 per year (1 issue per year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and EUR 14 per year (1 issue per year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany). *** EUR 200 per year (4 issues per year; incl. shipping and VAT). Your subscription will be renewed automatically every year until a written cancellation is sent to Dental Tribune International GmbH, Holbeinstr. 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany, six weeks prior to the renewal date. Country CAD/CAM ceramic implants* Clinical Masters** cosmetic dentistry** implants laser Shipping Address Name Address Zip Code, City E-mail Date, Signature PayPal Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date Security Code SUBSCRIBE NOW! F +49 341 48474 173 dental practice is as smooth as pos- sible,” states W&H Managing Director Peter Malata. “With innovative dental technology that is ideally suited to the users’ needs, the team can give their full and undivided attention to what really matters: the patient. We play an important role in our custo- mers’ success and assist them in tur- ning patients into fans.” The new campaign aims to por- tray W&H in an eye-catching manner and differentiate it from the competi- tion, all with the customary twinkle in the eye. In the eyes of their pati- ents, dentists become Dr Phil Good, Dr X. Pert or Dr Sue Perstar, and thus the living embodiment of well-being, expertise, innovative spirit and trust. The result is a modern, internatio- nally adaptable campaign format with emotive images from dental practice. A striking nameplate has been developed as an overarching key visual, clearly communicating the respective names such as Dr Phil Good or Dr X. Pert. The new W&H image campaign was launched across all W&H media channels beginning March 2018. (cid:26) 4 SCANDEFA 2018

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