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today SCANDEFA Copenhagen, 2018

news Welcome to SCANDEFA 2018 Velkommen til SCANDEFA 2018 (cid:132) It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to SCANDEFA 2018 in Bella Center Copenhagen, the leading dental fair in Scandinavia. The fair runs concurrently as always with the Danish Dental Association’s “Semi- nar of the year”. Approximately 150 exhibitors are waiting to meet their customers and show them their latest news. We hope that you as a visitor will draw inspiration from your visit at SCANDEFA 2018 and be able to gen- erate new contacts and do profitable business. On behalf of Bella Center Copen- hagen and all of the exhibitors at SCANDEFA 2018, we bid you a warm welcome and hope that you enjoy your visit. Soren Lindquist, Exhibition Manager Bella Center Copenhagen AD SCANDINAVIAN DENTAL FAIR 12– 13 APRIL 2018 is coming to BERLIN 28 June –1 July 2018 Berlin, Germany (cid:132) Det er os en stor glæde, at kunne byde velkommen til SCANDEFA 2018, en af de største fagmesser for dental- branchen i Skandinavien. Messen kø- rer sideløbende med Tandlægeforenin- gens ,Årskursus‘ og er igen i år placeret i Bella Center’s C-haller. Mere end 150 udstillere glæder sig til at møde kunderne og vise de seneste nye trends og produktnyheder frem. Vi håber at du som besøgende vil få god inspiration ud af dit besøg, får knyttet gode kontakter og plejet dit ek- sisterende netværk, og ikke mindst – får gjort en god handel. På vegne af Bella Center Copenha- gen og alle udstillere på SCANDEFA 2018, byder vi dig hjertelig velkom- men og ønsker dig et godt messebesøg. Søren Lindquist, Exhibition Manager, Bella Center Copenhagen about the publisher Editorial/Administrative Office Dental Tribune International GmbH Holbeinstraße 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany Phone: +49 341 48474-302 Fax: +49 341 48474-173 Internet: Publisher Torsten Oemus Director of Finance and Controlling Dan Wunderlich Managing Editor Daniel Zimmermann Business Development Claudia Salwiczek-Majonek Product Manager Antje Kahnt Production Executive Gernot Meyer Production Matthias Abicht today will appear at SCANDEFA in Copenhagen, 12–13 April, 2018. The magazine and all articles and illustrations therein are protected by copyright. Any utilisation without pri- or consent from the editor or publisher is inadmissible and liable to prosecution. No responsibility shall be assumed for in formation published about associations, companies and commercial markets. General terms and conditions apply, legal venue is Leipzig, Germany. 2 SCANDEFA 2018

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