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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 1, 2018

editorial | Dr Freddy Belliard Guest Editor Dear readers, There have never been more exciting times in end- odontics. We live in an era in which almost all man- ufacturers deliver excellent products that allow us to recreate predictable shapes in the root canal systems that we treat. As such, there is room for creativity and big rewards for discipline. Having this advantage also brings responsibilities. As a specialty, we need to focus now on the value of a well-educated clinician. One that not only has a deep understanding of shapes, tapers and sizes, but dental anatomy. A dentist that gathers the much needed human skill to diagnose wisely and under- stand what teeth represent and the role they play on the patient’s well-being. Our challenge is not to allow newer generations of clinicians to “get drunk” on the beauty of shapes, cur- vatures and white lines and associate those images with success, but to gain from the advantages of cli- nicians trained in the era of memory-controlled instru- ments, CBCT and 3-D guided concepts. Blending the technical advantages of this era with the deeper under- standing of biology, scientific resources and the pleth- ora of information available will help us evolve into a more mature specialty. We owe this to our generation. The roots community understands this commit- ment and embraces it with joy. We are a relentless and untiring group that envisions endodontics and its relationship with the rest of the branches of den- tistry as one of the most important links in the chain of the patient-centred dental services that need to be provided. I would like to take this opportunity not only to welcome you to this wonderful issue of the roots magazine, but also to extend an invitation to our ROOTS SUMMIT 2018, which will take place in Berlin in Germany from 28 June to 1 July. We have invested great effort in bringing you the best scientific programme possi- ble, with some of the world leaders in science-based endodontics, but with a very clinical approach to the challenges we have to face in our offices every single day. See you in Berlin amigos! Dr Freddy Belliard Guest Editor roots 1 2018 03

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