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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 1, 2018

| industry report RECIPROC blue: The new generation of reciprocation Dr Ghassan Yared, Canada a b c d Fig. 1 The use of mechanical instruments in reciprocation with unequal forward and reverse rotation was introduced in 2008.1 The RECIPROC series of instruments (VDW) were designed specifically for this type of motion.2 RECIPROC blue, a thermally treated nickel-titanium instrument, is an improved version of the original RECIPROC.3 It has in- creased resistance to cyclic fatigue and greater flexibility.4 The present article describes the use of RECIPROC blue instruments for canal preparation without any prior instrumentation and without a glide path. Only one in- strument is needed to enlarge the majority of canals to an adequate size and taper regardless of the size of the canal and the degree of canal curvature or canal cal- cification. Similar to the original RECIPROC series, the RECIPROC blue system includes three instruments, RECIPROC blue 25, RECIPROC blue 40 and RECIPROC blue 50, matching paper points, matching gutta-percha cones, and matching gutta-percha obturators (GUTTA- FUSION) (Figs. 1a–d). The RECIPROC blue instruments have an S-shaped cross section (Fig. 2). The three in- struments have a regressive taper starting at 3 mm from the tip. RECIPROC blue 25 has a diameter of 0.25 mm at the tip and an 8 % (0.08 mm/mm) taper over the first 3.0 mm from the tip. RECIPROC blue 40 has a diameter of 0.40 mm at the tip and a 6 % (0.06 mm/mm) taper over the first 3.0 mm from the tip. RECIPROC blue 50 has a diameter of 0.50 mm at the tip and a 5 % (0.05 mm/mm) taper over the first 3.0 mm from the tip. The instruments are used in con- junction with a motor (Figs. 3a, b) at ten cycles of reciprocation per second. The motor is pro- a b Fig. 2 Fig. 3 28 roots 1 2018

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