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CAD/CAM – international magazine of digital dentistry No. 1, 2018

interview | Fig. 2: NobelProcera Abutments. pact of third-party abutments on a major implant brand. Interestingly, we found out that there are differences be- tween different abutment manufacturers. In general, you are on the safe side as a clinician if you go with an origi- nal abutment. Otherwise, you end up in a lottery that you cannot win. At best you get a product that is more or less comparable to an original one, but as we explained in the study, the chances are low. In particular, we analysed the impact of third-party abutments on a major implant brand. We did this investigation twice with the status of the abutments as received from the different manufactur- ers and after some dynamic loading in our masticatory simulator. These micromotion measurements showed that with NobelProcera Abutments there is hardly any difference in abutment seating before and after dy- namic loading, which is indicative of the fact that the NobelProcera restoration is in its final position. Once it’s screwed in by the dentist it stays there. If you have settling it means that the preload of your retention screw is basically gone and this does not happen with NobelProcera Abutments. Are there any other implications that these findings might have for clinicians in practice? If you’re not sure whether the implant-abutment is fully seated or whether it might experience some settling, you may need to go back after a couple of weeks and re- tighten the abutment screw. If you have cemented your crown on top of the abutment, then it’s a major inconve- nience to take off the crown. I prefer abutments that I can seat correctly the first time. You talked a little bit about NobelProcera. Compared with the other abutments in your study, how did NobelProcera Abutments perform? The advantage of NobelProcera Abutments over other third-party abutments is that they’re precision-engi- neered individualised CAD/CAM abutments. Although it was a Straumann implant that was used as a basis for testing, we could demonstrate that NobelProcera Abut- ments showed less micromotion compared with stan- dard abutments from Straumann for cement restorations. What do you attribute this result to? NobelProcera manufacturing quality is extremely high. The result of this study is indicative of very consistent and precise manufacturing. Reference 1. Karl M, Taylor TD. Effect of cyclic loading on micromotion at the im- plant-abutment interface. Intl J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016. contact Nobel Biocare Services AG Balz-Zimmermann-Straße 7 Kloten, Switzerland CAD/CAM 1 2018 53

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