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Dental Tribune Italian Edition No. 1, 2018

Dental Tribune Italian Edition - Gennaio 2018 Fig. 15 - Herpes labialis. Fig. 16 - Condiloma acuminato (infezione da papilloma virus). Fig. 1: - Sarcoma di Kaposi in un soggetto HIV+. Patologia Orale 9 bibliografia 1. Binnie, WH and Rankin KV. Epidemilogical and diagnostic aspects of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Oral Patho- logy,1984; 13, 333-41. 2. Binnie WH, Rankin KV, Mackenzie IC. Etiology of oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Pathol. 1983 Feb;12(1):11-29. 15. Winn DM. Diet and nutrition in the etiology of oral cancer. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995 Feb;61(2):437S-445S. 16. Bánóczy J, Sugár L. Progressive and regressive changes in Hunga- rian oral leukoplakias in the course of longitudinal studies. Com- munity Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1975 Aug;3(4):194-7. 3. Scully C. Viruses and oral squamous carcinoma. Eur J Cancer B 17. Bánóczy J, Sugár L. Longitudinal studies in oral leukoplakias. J Oral Oncol. 1992 Jul;28B(1):57-9. Oral Pathol. 1972;1(6):265-72. 4. Scully C, Bagg J. Viral infections in dentistry. Curr Opin Dent. 1992 Sep;2:102-15. 5. Scully C, Sciubba JJ, Bagan JV. Oral mucosal precancer and can- cer: A helpful discriminating clinical tool. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015 Sep 1;20(5):e587-90. 6. Warnakulasuriya S, Sutherland G, Scully C. Tobacco, oral cancer, and treatment of dependence. Oral Oncol. 2005 Mar;41(3):244-60. 7. Scully C. Oral precancer: preventive and medical approaches to management. Eur J Cancer B Oral Oncol. 1995 Jan;31B(1):16-26. 8. Waldron CA, Shafer WG. Oral carcinoma in situ. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1975 Feb;39(2):227-38. 9. Waldron CA, Shafer WG. Leukoplakia revisited. A clinicopatholo- gic study 3256 oral leukoplakias. Cancer. 1975 Oct;36(4):1386-92. 10. Shafer WG, Waldron CA. Erythroplakia of the oral cavity. Cancer. 1975 Sep;36(3):1021-8. 11. Geetha KM, Leeky M, Narayan TV, Sadhana S, Saleha J. Grading of oral epithelial dysplasia: Points to ponder. J Oral Maxillofac Pa- thol. 2015 May-Aug;19(2):198-204. doi: 10.4103/0973-029X.164533. 12. Axéll T1, Pindborg JJ, Smith CJ, van der Waal I. Oral white lesions with special reference to precancerous and tobacco- related lesions: conclusions of an international symposium held in Uppsala, Swe- den, May 18-21 1994. International Collaborative Group on Oral White Lesions. J Oral Pathol Med. 1996 Feb;25(2):49-54. 13. Lubin JH et al. Total exposure and exposure rate effects for alcohol and smoking and risk of head and neck cancer: a pooled analysis of case-control studies. Am J Epidemiol. 2009 Oct 15;170(8):937-47. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwp222. Epub 2009 Sep 10. 18. Brown RS, Bottomley WK, Puente E, Lavigne GJ. A retrospective evaluation of 193 patients with oral lichen planus. J Oral Pathol Med. 1993 Feb;22(2):69-72. 19. Barnard NA, Scully C, Eveson JW, Cunningham S, Porter SR. Oral cancer development in patients with oral lichen planus. J Oral Pa- thol Med. 1993 Oct;22(9):421-4. 20. Schiødt M, Pindborg JJ. Oral discoid lupus erythematosus. I. The validity of previous histopathologic diagnostic criteria. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1984 Jan;57(1):46-51. 21. Cannon RD, Holmes AR, Mason AB, Monk BC. Oral Candi- da: clearance, colonization, or candidiasis? J Dent Res. 1995 May;74(5):1152-61. 22. Chang F, Syrjänen S, Kellokoski J, Syrjänen K. Human papilloma- virus (HPV) infections and their associations with oral disease. J Oral Pathol Med. 1991 Aug;20(7):305-17. 23. An update of the classification and diagnostic criteria of oral le- sions in HIV infection. EEC-clearinghouse on Oral Problems Re- lated to HIV Infection and WHO Collaborating Centre on Oral Manifestations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. J Oral Pathol Med. 1991 Mar;20(3):97-100. 24. Eversole LR. HIV infection and oral pathology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1992 Feb;73(2):136. 25. Eversole LR. Viral infections of the head and neck among HIV- seropositive patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1992 Feb;73(2):155-63. 26. Lynch DP. Oral candidiasis. History, classification, and clinical pre- sentation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1994 Aug;78(2):189-93. 14. Bramley PA, Smith CJ. Oral cancer and precancer: establishing a 27. Scully C. Oral infections in the immunocompromised patient. Br diagnosis. Br Dent J. 1990 Feb 10;168(3):103-7. Dent J. 1992 Jun 6;172(11):401-7. Fig. 18 - Hairy leucoplakia in un soggetto HIV+. < pagina 8 sistenza di fini rilevatezze disposte verticalmente (Figg. 15-18). L’Afta è un’ulcerazione su base immunologica di forma circolare o ovalare che si localizza sulle mucose non cheratinizzate tranne nei pazien- ti HIV+, nei quali coinvolge anche la mucosa cheratinizzata. Si manifesta sotto tre forme cliniche: una mino- re, che ha dimensioni minori di 1 cm, una maggiore, che ha dimensioni maggiori di 1 cm, e una erpetiforme che si presenta con piccole ulcere di- sposte a grappolo (Figg. 19, 20). Fig. 19 - Afta minor. Fig. 20 - Afta major.
