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Dr. Esti Riyanda “You must make the choice to take a chance or your life will never change” NOVEMBER2017 To be a woman is one thing, but to be a successful woman is a totally different thing. We are all given two eyes equally, yet we don't all see in the same way. When it comes to paving a way for success; excellence, time management, prioritizing and charm are all a must for a triumphant future business, and this can all be associated with our once- executive board member, now general secretary of Young Dentist Worldwide and our precious IADS Alumna Dr. Esti Riyanda; our character for this .November issue Drg. Esti Riyanda Astuti is a dentist from West Borneo, Indonesia. She graduated from the Department of Dentistry of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Indonesia in 2010 with the degree of Kedokteran Gigi, which is the Indonesian equivalent of Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Esti has been a key figure in involving Asian countries in the activities of IADS, and this is a legacy that flourishes as each year goes by, all due to her arduous work and dedication. 15

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