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implants the international C.E. magazine of oral implantology

C.E. article_ platelet-rich fibrin I A C Fig. 10a-e_ PRF is used in invasive surgery. Fig. 10 nal damage of silica and other additives in the plastic blood-collection tubes to the grafted area and grafted bone at post-extraction sites, maxil- lary sinus, periodontal defects and all other bone- augmentation procedures. There is currently not available publication or research to evaluate possible cancer and systemic effects of silica and all other chemicals used to simulate the natural glass in plastic laboratory tubes when used for PRF manufacturing. When plastic blood collection tubes without any additives are used for blood collection and centrifu- gation, we obtain liquid PRF that is used to apply to the sticky bone and transform it into PRF steaky bone. This improves the handling characteristics of the bone and aids in keeping the bone-graft material in solid form and preventing small particles of bone from migrating between the patient’s bone and peri- osteum. Migration of small particles of bone could be a cause of increased inflammatory response and swelling after surgery. Because the time in the centrifuge is reduced to process blood in the plastic tubes to manufacture PRF liquid, less heat will be generated thus allowing a greater number of live white cells without degrada- tion. This will accelerate the healing process; and it is also possible that when the blood is processed at 700 RPM or less, some stem cells could also be concen- trated in the PRF liquid. PRF is the newest and most popular technique to accelerate healing in dentistry. During most large implant dental conventions and meetings in oral and maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, OMS, endodontics, implantology and bone regeneration, the number of speakers presenting successful cases increases every year. We, as clinicians involved in regenerative proce- dures and the manufacturing of PRF, are obligated to use only materials and supplies that guarantee patients’ safety and, at the same time, eliminate the clinician’s liability risks._ _Note Dr. Alvaro Betancur is the inventor of the Blood Collection Tubes Steri-Pack (BCTSP). _References 1) Interferences from blood collection tube components on clinical chemistry assays. Raffick A.R. Bowen and Alan T. Remaley. NCBI – US National Library of Medicine. https:// 2) A study on lung cancer mortality related to random, quartz, and arsenic exposures in German uranium miners. Taeger D, Krahn U, Wiethege T, Johnen G and others. NCBI: 3) Crystalline Silica. National Cancer Institute. implants 4_2017 I 07

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