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implants the international C.E. magazine of oral implantology

I C.E. article_ implant innovation a tooth extracted. In both cases, I extracted the tooth, prepared the site and placed the implant. The patient’s root-canal-treated mandibular ca- nine needed to be separated from the posterior bridge connected to the patient’s JAH 2000 blade implant. Be- cause both of the Hahn Tapered Implants achieved ex- cellent initial stability, immediate provisional crowns were delivered. The patient’s other implants have performed well, but required more work to get the outcome I wanted. With the Hahn Tapered Implant, there are fewer steps. The Hahn Tapered Implant’s ability to remain engaged with the palatal bone and attain maximum primary stability is the result of its deep, sharp threads, which I consider the implant’s most important design innovation. By the time I began developing the Hahn Tapered Implant, I had concluded that the thread patterns of the previous implant systems I designed weren’t aggressive enough. As a result, the implant could wander toward the thin cortical bone of the facial plate during placement. Other implant systems on the market that had a sharper-cutting thread design were too aggressive and could cause microfractures in nar- row bone or ridges. So I designed a new tapered implant, including threads that were just aggressive enough, and brought it to Glidewell Laboratories. The engineers and business leaders at Glidewell, many of whom I’ve enjoyed work- ing with in past endeavors, were happy to meet with me. I told them, “We need a tapered implant that doctors can easily place, stays right where you want it, and gets maximum primary stability.” They looked at my draw- ings, and their team of engineers helped me fine-tune the design until we got the thread pattern just right. We ended up with an implant that can be directed against the palatal bone, avoids the facial plate and fits within tight anatomical spaces. The Hahn Tapered Im- plant includes a 1 mm-machined collar. Because both hard and soft tissue is stable around a machined col- lar, this design affords doctors the flexibility in crestal positioning they need to meet the esthetic demands of each case. We designed the implant with a conical connection to ensure a strong, stable seal. The prosthetic connection also facilitates platform switching, which has been shown in numerous stud- ies to preserve bone and gingival tissue around the implant-abutment interface.2–4 To ensure an optimal restorative outcome, the Hahn Tapered Implant System features contoured healing abutments and matching transfer copings. Since we launched the Hahn Tapered Implant in 2015 and began working with experienced practition- ers, we’ve received nothing but positive feedback. The comment that I hear repeatedly is: “Jack, I love your implant.” Looking back at this patient’s radiograph, I know that we’ve come a long way with implant design. _Conclusion The various implants I’ve designed and placed in this patient throughout the years demonstrate that success is highly predictable as long as we adhere to the proper diagnostic, surgical and restorative prin- ciples. At the same time, advancements in implant design have simplified surgery and made it easier to establish the implant positioning and stability needed to achieve the best outcome possible. I’m proud to have contributed to this evolution and look forward to the innovations to come. References available upon request from the publisher._ Editorial note: Reprinted by permission of Inclusive™ magazine, ©2016, Glidewell Laboratories. _about the author Dr. Jack A. Hahn earned his DDS from The Ohio State University College of Dentistry and completed postgraduate coursework at Boston University, New York University, the University of Michigan and the University of Kentucky. A pioneer in the field of implant dentistry, Hahn has been placing and restoring implants for more than 45 years. Hahn developed the Nobel- Replace dental implant system for Nobel Biocare and oversaw the design of the Hahn Tapered Implant. Recipient of the Aaron Gershkoff Lifetime Achievement Award in implant dentistry and the Venue and LEAD magazine Healthcare Leadership Award, Hahn was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry in June 2015. Hahn is also editor-in-chief and clinical editor of Inclusive magazine. He lectures to dentists around the world and maintains a private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact him at 08 I implants 3_2017

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