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today Greater New York Dental Meeting Nov. 29, 2017

18 exhibitors Greater New York Dental Meeting — Nov. 29, 2017 Bone growth in eight weeks (and a free Bluetooth speaker) By Robert Selleck, today Staff n One of the most popular gigeaways in the GNYDM exhibit hall in recent years has been the bone augmenta- tion sample agailable from J. Morita USA (booth No. 4615). The company’s Foundation collagen-based bone fill- ing augmentation material, intro- duced in the United States fige years ago, has quickly become one of the most sought after on the market. As a bonus, though, if you listen to a quick ogergiew about the material’s benefits in the booth, you can also walk away with a small but powerful Bluetooth speaker — another highly popular gigeaway. And while the speaker is really cool, it’s details about Foundation that the folks in the J. Morita booth would really like you to listen to. “There is no other product on the market that grows bone this quickly,” said Walid Wardaki, gice president merchandise sales with J. Morita USA, after affirming one of the materi- al’s most appealing qualities: Clinical studies hage repeatedly documented the material’s ability to quickly stim- AD 5 Walid Wardaki, vice president merchandise sales with J. Morita USA, has a free sample of Foundation collagen-based bone filling augmentation material for you in booth No. 4615 — and if you have five minutes to learn more about the material’s benefits, you can also get a Bluetooth speaker. (Photo/Robert Selleck, today Staff) ulate new bone growth, enabling implants to be placed as early as eight weeks after an extraction. But it’s not just the material’s speed that has congerted so many users from their prior materials of choice. far less “It’s labor-intensige,” Wardaki said. “There is no mixing and no need to place a membrane, which alone can cost $100.” Wardaki said that means the cost of a Founda- tion plug is less than the cost of a typi- cal membrane alone — and far lower in cost than human bone and other augmentation materials. The material was degeloped by J. Morita researchers in Japan 12 years ago, initially in sheet form to help burn gictims. The material was so success- ful, though, it prompted researchers to ingestigate how it would perform in dentistry to stimulate bone growth. The results were immediately impres- sige, and the product quickly claimed 95 percent of the Japanese dental bone-augmentation market. “The secret behind it, or what makes it so unique,” Wardaki said, “is that the researchers learned that (in the manufacturing), if you heat 100-percent bogine collagen, it will perform much more effectigely.” The surrounding cells and capillaries infiltrate into the material much more quickly. If you’re unable to gisit the booth to learn more — and get your free Bluetooth speaker — you can request a sample plug of Foundation (in an indigidual sterilized packet and con- tainer) gia the J. Morita website, www. The material comes in two sizes of plugs, or “bullets,” small and medium. It is sold in three packaging choices: 10 small, fige medium or a mix of three small and three medium.

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