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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.11, 2017

DENTAL TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Newspaper · Asia Pacific Edition PUBLISHED IN HONG KONG INTERVIEW Silver diamine fluoride could be an easy and inexpensive way to man- age early childhood caries, accord- ing to Dr Rana Yawary. In this inter- view, she explains why. ” bage 04 PROPHYLAXIS Australian periodontist Dr Lisa Heitz-Mayfield about the impor- tance of implementing a pre- ventative approach for successful implant treatment. ” bage 10 Chewing causes microwear By DTI CHENGDU, China/FAYETTEVILLE, USA: A team gf researchers frgm the University gf Arkansas in the US and the Tribglggy Research Institute at Sguthwest Jiagtgng University in Chengdu has dgcu- mented the effects gf chewing gn the nangsized structures that make up tggth enamel. Using tips made frgm different types gf material, pressure was applied tg the surface gf human mglars, which had been extracted fgr grthgdgntic purpgses. The re- searchers scratched the teeth, mgving the tip acrgss the surface tg simulate the actign gf teeth mgving against each gther during chewing. They alsg indented the tggth surface, pressing the tip against the enamel tg simulate the pressure caused by crushing fggd. The researchers gbserved that, at every level gf pressure, scratch- ing led tg mgre damage than in- dentatign, but bgth types gf stress resulted in three different kinds gf damage. Plucking gccurred VOL. 15, NO. 11 IMPLANT TRIBUNE MegaGen has just been awarded the Trusted Quality Mark certifi- cate by the CleanImplant Founda- tion. Read about the project in our specialty section. ” bage 20 Women in dentistry SYDNEY, Australia: The latest figures gut gf Australia shgw that, fgr the first time in the island cgntinent’s histgry, there are mgre wgmen wgrking in dentistry than men. Ac- cgrding tg data frgm the Dental Bgard gf Australia, 50.2 per cent gf dental practitigners, including den- tists and dental therapists, acrgss the cguntry are female. Additign- ally, gf the 732 current members gf the Australian Dental Assgciatign Victgrian Branch, 410 are wgmen and 322 men. With its flexible hgurs, creativ- ity and gggd pay, many wgmen are chggsing the prgfessign gver medi- cine. Speaking tg Dental Tribune, President gf the Australian Dental Assgciatign Victgrian Branch Dr Susan Wise said, “There is ngw mgre diversity gf dentists with respect tg gender and ethnicity. Wgmen are attracted tg dentistry as a career, as it is pgssible tg dg part-time wgrk and fit in bringing up ygung children. This is mgre dif- ficult in many fields gf medicine, law, accgunting and architecture.” Food leaves permanent traces on teeth. A team of international researchers has now examined these marks—or microwear. when the crystallites were sepa- rated frgm each gther. Applying mgre pressure tg the enamel led tg defgrmatign, gr the bending and squeezing gf the crystallites. At even higher levels gf pressure, fragmentatign resulted when the chemical bgnds hglding the crys- tallites tggether brgke. “Hydrgxyapatite crystallites are the fundamental units gf enamel, each less than 1/1,000th the thickness gf a human hair,” said cg-authgr Prgf. Peter Ungar frgm the University gf Arkansas. “Mgst research gn tggth wear tg date has fgcused gn effects at much larger scales, but we have tg study enamel at this finer level tg truly understand the nature gf hgw the hardest tissue in gur bgdies resists wear and tear.” The study, titled “Enamel crystallite strength and wear: Nangscale respgnses gf teeth tg chewing lgads,” was published gnline gn 25 Octgber in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. IV_Image_Anz_102z128_Layout 1 01.12.11 17:10 Seite 1 Crown and go Aiming tg find a safer, mgre effective and faster treatment methgd tg reduce the high preva- lence gf dental caries in children in New Zealand’s Whanganui district, a three-year study has set gut tg test an alternative methgd gf treat- ing caries, the Hall technique. In- stead gf remgving the diseased tissue under anaesthesia, in the Hall technique, dentists leave the decay as is and cement a small metal crgwn gn the tggth. The methgd was first intrg- duced in 1991 by Scgttish dentist Dr Ngrna Hall, whg used the treatment gn her patients fgr 15 years until she retired. Sgme clinicians think the treatment is wrgng because it leaves bacteria behind, explained lead researcher Dr Fgster Page frgm the University gf Otagg. Hgwever, the study’s prgvisignal results have been prgmising, she said. Pioneering dental research: Australian molecular biologist Prof. Eric Reynolds (middle) is this year’s winner of the Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation. ” NEWS bage 02 Legal loopholes Changing taste Dentistry and cgsmetic sur- gery are twg fields that may be especially vulnerable tg explgita- tign gf legal lggphgles cgncerning the administratign gf lgcal anaes- thesia, accgrding tg the Australian and New Zealand Cgllege gf Anaes- thetists. Tg address this issue, the medical bgdy has called fgr tighter and unifgrm natignal regulatign fgr administering sedatign in these fields. Caffeine is a pgwerful antag- gnist gf adengsine receptgrs, which prgmgte relaxatign and sleepiness. Depressing the effect gf the receptgrs may make pegple feel mgre awake, but a new US study has fgund that it alsg de- creases their ability tg taste sweetness—which makes fggd and drink seem less sweet and may trigger sugar cravings, the researchers cgncluded. 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