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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 3, 2017

| practice management 30 laser 3 2017 How does this benefit appointment durations? The appointment durations are much reduced as there is no waiting period for anaesthesia. In addition, multiple quadrant dentistry can be performed at the same time. One appointment can be easily followed by further consultations if needed with other special- ists as the numbness barrier is removed. How does laser increase the value of time and chair occupancy? Since the chairside time per patient can be reduced with the use of laser, this certainly increases the value of the practice as more patients can be accommo- dated in the fixed duration of hours. Parental acceptance of laser vs drill From the private practice point of view, lasers are accepted in more than 90 % of all cases when pro- posed as treatment alternative. The cost difference between a conventional drill and laser have been kept at about 35 %. This enables more and more families to avail the benefits of lasers for their little ones. Cost benefit ratio Even though lasers have been always looked up as an expensive and add-on tool in many private prac- tices, the advantages of lasers do certify the actual return on investment from the very first year of the investment. This increases the overall profit margin for the company and thereby making lasers the all round win situation for investor, dentist and certainly for the patient. Conclusion In current times, we have come a long way doing painless, needle-free dentistry. The bottom-line of non-threatening and non-invasive dental care never- theless remains at high-end prevention. The very fact that the huge segment of child population does have healthy teeth, does signify that dental disease can be well avoided. The regular presence of children in the practice, dietary advice and both primary and sec- ondary levels of defence should be looked at. Kurz & bündig Anxious children have been found to have a higher risk of developing dental caries. To establish a healthy foundation of paediatric surgery visitors, we must work to convert dentally anxious children to cooper- ative dental patients. In order to accomplish this, we need to commit ourselves to provide them with posi- tive experiences. The dental personnel should be highly able to weigh benefits of a treatment vs psy- chological consequences of invasive dental treat- ments. While ruling out needles and numbness from the practice, lasers do make the practice of Paediatric Dentistry much more welcoming to families. In conclusion, lasers as euphemisms are, indeed, a great behaviour modification tool. An overall holis- tic approach with lasers does help to evade the fear factor from children’s mind, keeping dental appoint- ments simple for families._ Literature 1. Aartman IH, van Everdingen T, Hoogstraten J, Schuurs AH. Self-report measurements of dental anxiety and fear in children: a critical assessment. 1998 ASDC Dent Child. contact Author details Dr Imneet Madan Specialist Pediatric Dentist MSc Lasers Dentistry (Germany) MDS Pediatric Dentistry MBA (Hospital Management) Children’s Dental Center, Dubai Villa 1020 Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 1 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel.: +971 506823462 Angst ist einer der konstantesten Faktoren, welcher die zahnärztliche Behandlung von Kindern behindert. Gründe für eine Zahnarztangst können unterschiedlicher Natur sein. Oftmals ist es der Einfluss der Eltern, der das kindliche Verhalten in der Zahnarztpraxis positiv oder negativ beeinflusst. Mit verschiedenen Methoden der Verhaltensführung lässt sich die kindliche Angst jedoch mildern. In einer ersten „Kennenlern“-Sitzung wird zunächst mittels Euphemis- men eine positive, lösungsorientierte Kommunikation etabliert. So wird aus der Nadel „Schlafsaft“ oder aus dem Absauggerät „Staubsauger“. Positive Erfahrungen sorgen dann dafür, dass Kinder eine dauerhaft positive Einstellung zum Zahnarzt entwickeln können. Vor allem der Laser als „magisches Licht“ stellt dabei ein hilfreiches Tool innerhalb der Kinderzahnheilkunde dar. Er ersetzt den Bohrer und beseitigt damit eine wichtige Quelle kindlicher Zahnarztangst.

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