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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 3, 2017

practice management | Step 3: Be honest and keep it short While treating a millennial patient always remem- ber to be honest, informative and brief! Millennials hate it when you fool around with them. Also be as informative as possible while in the same time keep it short. Millennials are used to getting concentrated information and thus they will double check what you are telling them. They may have already googled it before they came to you! It is also helpful to use some trigger words like flexible, community, dynamic, friendly, stimulating, environment. For example, you can say: “Our clinic is environmentally friendly.” They will respect and appreciate that because they are highly environmen- tally conscious themselves! Step 4: Have a millennial employee If you do not belong to the millennials’ age group, it is of advantage to have at least one employee of your team who does. You will see: Your millennial patients will feel more comfortable to ask him or her possible questions instead of you—and this is a fact! Step 5: Use loyalty programmes Millennials want to identify themselves with their surroundings. This affects above all their health sup- pliers, amongst them you as their dentist! With loyalty programmes you can offer them the possibility to specially connect with your practice. Thereby, it is a good idea to add your clinic’s loyalty programme to your clinic’s mobile application (if you have one). They will just love it as their mobile phones are their whole life and something they always carry with them! Step 6: No face-to-face communication to follow-up After a successful treatment, avoid to make a lot of follow-up appointments with face-to-face-commu- nication. Millennials rather love it short and simple, as we have already learnt above. So better send them an Kurz & bündig e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp or messenger with a brief but at the same time detailed message about their current health status and further treatment options. Step 7: Be fast When you respond to your millennial patients, be fast! Since they have grown up in a world where infor- mation is available in only short time, being fast is notable and very important for them! Just do it! Imagine working for the next years and still have a “full house” clinic because you know how to deal with your millennial patients! Isn’t this just fabulous? In the next issue of laser magazine, I will present to you the fourth part of this unique new series of com- munication concepts that will teach you how to pro- mote a service and/or technology before you apply it in practice—5 unique steps that will guarantee the increase of your patients’ interest! Until then, remember that you are not only the den- tist of your clinic, but also the manager and leader. You can always send me your questions and request for more information and guidance at dba@yiannikos- or via our website www.dbamaster- Looking forward to our next trip of business growth and educational development!_ contact Author details Dr Anna Maria Yiannikos Adjunct Faculty Member of AALZ at RWTH Aachen University Campus, Germany DDS, LSO, MSc, MBA Millennials (17- bis 37-Jährige) sind die Patienten der Gegenwart und Zukunft. Im dritten Teil ihrer Serie erklärt Dr. Yiannikos in 7 Schritten, wie Praxisbetreiber diese Patientengruppe erfolgreich ansprechen. Der erste Schritt führt über eine ansprechende Website und umfassende Präsenz in Social-Media-Kanälen. Denn das World Wide Web ist ein essenzieller Bestandteil ihrer Lebenswelt. Im zweiten Schritt empfiehlt die Autorin, einen speziellen Service (z. B. Home- Bleaching) zum günstigsten, am Markt erhältlichen Preis anzubieten. Ehrlich, informativ und auf den Punkt gebracht – diese drei Eigenschaften schätzen Millennials sehr und sollten bei der Behandlung unbedingt beachtet werden. Auch von Vorteil ist es, wenn in der Praxis Mitarbeiter aus der Altersgruppe sind. Denn oftmals richten Millenials sich mit Fragen lieber an ihre Altersgenossen. In Schritt 5 empfiehlt die Autorin, Bonusprogramme der Praxis mit der mobilen App (wenn vorhanden) zu verknüpfen. Nach einer erfolgreichen Behandlung informiert die Praxis Patienten dieser Altersgruppe bes- ser per E-Mail, SMS, WhatsApp oder Messenger über das weitere Vorgehen, statt Face-to-face-Kommunikation. Dabei sollte sie schnell sein! Denn Millennials finden es wichtig und bemerkenswert, schnelle Rückmeldungen zu bekommen. laser 3 2017 27

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