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today EAO Madrid October 06, 2017

Robotic guidance system could be game changer for implant dentistry implant news (cid:132) Implant dentistry is about to make a leap in development, at least if things go the way US company Neocis predicts. After introducing YOMI, the fi rst robotic system devel- oped for dental implant placement, and receiving Food and Drug Ad- ministration (FDA) 510(k) clearance to market its pioneering surgical assis- tance system, the com- pany has recently an- nounced the completion of the fi rst sale of its de- vice. The dental implant and prosthetic market is one of the fastest-growing markets in the US. Equally thriving is the surgical robot- ics market, which is estimated to reach US$20 billion (€18.8 billion) across several medical markets by 2021. Combining both medical fi elds is YOMI, which is intended to provide assistance in both the planning (pre- operative) and the surgical (intra- operative) phases of dental implant surgery. Commenting on receiving FDA clearance, Neocis CEO and co-founder Dr Alon Mozes said, “We are excited to achieve this important milestone for YOMI. We look forward to further demonstrating the benefi ts of YOMI to the surgeon’s practice and their pa- tients and to bringing the system to select key opinion leaders in the United States.” feedback and constrains the drill in position, orienta- tion and depth. Notwith- standing its digital guid- ance, the surgeon re- mains in control and can dynamically change the plan during the proce- dure, the company em- phasised. Neocis fur- ther noted that it is committed to ensuring that d e n t i s t s w h o choose to use YOMI in their practice undergo suf- fi cient training on the use of the software and the workfl ow of the system. The fi rst clinic to use YOMI in daily practice will be the South Flor- ida Center for Periodontics & Implant Dentistry in Boca Raton, Florida, Ne- ocis stated in a press release. The sys- tem has been installed, and Drs Jef- frey Ganeles, Frederic Norkin and Lil- iana Aranguren have completed training. “We are excited to incorporate YOMI into our practice,” Ganeles stated. “Adopting state-of-the-art tech- nology is part of our commitment to providing the very best care for our patients. YOMI ensures that the pro- cedure goes precisely as planned. There is nothing else like it, and I be- lieve it will be a game changer for our practice.” (cid:26) © Neocis, USA According to Neocis, YOMI is en- gineered to eliminate dentists’ de- pendence on plastic drill guides, which can impede the site of surgery and block proper irrigation and visi- bility. The computerised navigational system delivers physical guidance through the use of haptic robotic technology, which provides sensory Novel surgical procedure could help combat peri-implantitis (cid:132) The most common cause of peri-im- plantitis is the formation of a biofi lm on the implant surface. Thus, effec- tively decontaminating the affected surface is essential for avoiding im- plant failure. Researchers in South Ko- rea have now tested a novel surgical procedure and shown promising re- sults in combating this infl ammation. ative approach incorporating bone grafting materials was used to re- build the bone surrounding the im- plant. The titanium brush proved to be highly effective at removing biofi lm from the implant surface, the re- searchers noted. In addition to elimi- nating the contaminated original © Yin-Zhe et al. In two case studies of male pa- tients over the age of 50 who exhib- ited severe peri-implantitis, the clini- cians used the R-Brush (Neobiotech), a round brush with titanium alloy bristles, to clean the affected im- plant surfaces. Moreover, a regener- rough surface, the brush created a new rough implant surface. This newly created surface made the re- generative process more successful and predictable, the follow-up assess- ment at three, six and 12 months af- ter treatment indicated. 8 26th EAO Annual Scientifi c Meeting During the two-year follow-up, the bone level was maintained. Peria- pical radiographs showed that the al- veolar bone height was stable, and no bone resorption was observed mesi- ally or distally. The results are in line with those of previous studies that have shown that re-osseointegration can occur on surfaces previously contaminated by dental plaque and surrounded by a bone defect. Although there is no sim- ilar protocol in the treatment of se- vere peri-implantitis yet, the two cases in which the R-Brush was used suggest that open debridement may result in re-osseointegration and that this integration may be more pro- nounced on a rougher implant sur- face, the researchers wrote. In addition to its promising re- sults, the procedure has one signifi - cant advantage compared with con- servative therapies for removing de- bris, which include the use of metal- lic curettes with an adjunct of local or systematic antibiotics, as well as la- ser and ultrasonic devices: it has a very short chair time. In one of the cases, it took about four minutes to treat the eight exposed threads with the R-Brush, the researchers noted in their paper. However, owing to the small number of cases considered, the effi - cacy of the described method needs further investigation in clinical trials, the researchers concluded. (cid:26) Microthreaded dental implants may preserve crestal bone (cid:132) Implants with a microthreaded- neck design are more effective than those with a machined or conven- tional rough surface, researchers have found. Their study fi ndings indi- cate that less crestal bone is lost with implants with the fi rst design. Fur- thermore, the shape may contribute to better primary im- plant stability. The researchers, from the University of Kentucky in Lex- ington and the Uni- versity of Dammam, investigated the im- pact of a micr o- threaded-neck de- sign on crestal bone preservation, which is essential for im- plant stability. For the study, they ana- lysed 23 ar ticles published between January 1995 and June 2016 and obtained via a rele- vant keyword search on three elec- tronic databases. From these, they concluded that the addition of deeper threads on the implant allowed for greater stabilisation between the im- plant and the bone, especially with weaker bone, and that less crestal bone was lost with dental implants that had a microthreaded-neck de- sign than with those with a ma- chined surface or conventional rough surface. Their fi ndings demon- strate that geometry does affect the amount of stress and strain on the implant. TrifonenkoIvan/ The scientists recommended ad- ditional trials to evaluate how bone loss might be affected by different im- plant types. Furthermore, they sug- gested that future studies use stand- ardised imaging techniques to evalu- ate the placement of implants with a microthreaded-neck design in bone- augmented sites. (cid:26)

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