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today EAO Madrid October 05, 2017

Preventing peri-implantitis business (cid:132) Despite major advancements in implant placement and increasing success rates, peri-implantitis con- tinues to pose the risk of implant failure. This inflammatory disease arises as a result of the formation of dental plaque on the implant sur- face. While peri-implant mucositis is reversible, peri-implantitis might lead to implant failure. Both surgical and non-surgical mechanical de- bridement, antimicrobial therapeu- available cleaning tools can help prevent these inflammatory dis- eases progressing to the extent of failure of implant treatment. Dental implants require special care: the implant surfaces and inac- cessible areas must be cleaned care- fully. Implants are prone to infection owing to their form and the sur- rounding dental anatomy, which al- low bacteria to enter the sulcus, leading to the formation of dental mouthwashes. Therefore, peri-im- plantitis can be prevented by clean- ing implants regularly with the most suitable tools in the right places in combination with appropriate techniques. Only regular implant care maintains the conditions ne- cessary to prevent such diseases and ensures long-term success of the treatment and implant health. Swiss oral healthcare provider Curaden, through its CURAPROX “Peri-im plantitis can be prevented by clean ing implants regularly with the most suitable tools in the right places in combination with appropriate tech niques.” tics, or the combination of chemical and surgical methods help to man- age peri-implantitis—even if it re- quires sacrificing the implant. How- ever, a new approach to dental care— individually trained oral prophy- laxis—in combination with the best plaque. Dental plaque is the pri- mary cause of mucositis and, even- tually, peri-implantitis. However, bacteria in the sulcus can be re- moved mechanically using tooth- brushes and interdental brushes and chemically with chlorhexidine brand (Booth S37), offers innovative dental hygiene products suited for this purpose. “Dental hygiene is an aspect oral surgeons usually leave to dental hy- gienists and general practitioners, but all dental professionals should AD Choosing the right chlorhexidine In combination with interdental brushes and toothbrushes, oral anti- septics reduce the bacteria in the oral cavity prior to and during im- plant placement and supplement mechanical plaque control. Based on 40 years of research, chlorhexidine continues to be the most effective anti-plaque agent in dentistry. Used in a specific concentration in a mouthwash, chlorhexidine is bacte- ricidal and disrupts the formation of biofilm. CURASEPT ADS Implant was developed for short-term inten- sive plaque control after surgery, such as implant treatment, bone re- 24 26th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting implant get to know their patients and adapt the treatment to the specific needs of each of them, especially in or- der to prevent peri-implan- titis,” said Dr Laura Ven- timiglia, an oral surgeon and specialist from Sweden. “Any dentist who places implants has to teach his or her patients proper oral hygiene tech- niques and provide the necessary information to help them maintain a bal- anced microbial environ- ment. Most importantly, however, the dental pro- fessional should be able to recommend the appropriate clean- ing tools to his or her patients. This begins with the measurement of the interdental space and the use of the correct toothbrush for gentle and ef- fective cleaning of implants and the gingival margin, as well as chlorhexi- dine mouthrinses in certain cases.” As a leading oral healthcare com- pany, Curaden recommends cleaning the gap between the implant and soft tissue twice a day, ideally with an in- terdental brush. Specifically de- signed for implant patients, only in- terdental brushes with long, resilient bristles can reach the sulcus and other critical interdental areas to re- move the bacteria responsible for in- flammatory periodontal disease, low- ering the probability of developing periodontal disease. The CPS soft implant plastic-coated series with its fine, long bristles has been specially designed for cleaning of large interdental spaces after im- plant treatment. Patient acceptance of these interdental brushes has proven to be very high. “The Curaprox interdental toothbrush is the thin- nest on the market and should be used as an alternative by patients as an alternative to dental floss. Their special design makes them reliable and easy to use, durable and effec- tive. Owing to technological innova- tion, CURAPROX is able to manufac- ture interdental brushes that have a very thin central wire supporting long, soft bristles, which makes them very versatile and extremely effec- tive, even in tight interdental spaces,” explained Dr Ana Stevanovic, Head of Education at Curaden. The CPS soft implant range is available in five sizes, ranging from 5.5 mm (CPS 505) to 16 mm (CPS 516). (cid:24)(cid:3)(cid:3)The CPS soft implant series, ranging from 5.5 mm (CPS 505, left) to 16 mm (CPS 516, right), has been specially designed for cleaning of large interdental spaces after implant treatment. generation and augmentation proce- dures, and periodontal and peri-im- plant operations. The chlorhexidine concentration of 0.2 per cent is highly effective in the management of plaque and bacteria and protects the surgically treated areas from superinfection. The combination of chlorhexidine with polyvinylpyrroli- done-vinyl acetate (PVP-VA) and hya- luronic acid (HA) offers further ben- efits both for patients and for dental professionals: it promotes healing and tissue regeneration, reduces pain as well as plaque accumulation, and serves as an important adjunct in the treatment of peri-implantitis and mucositis. In order to address chlorhex- idine’s side effect of staining the teeth—which often lowers patient compliance and interrupts the treat- ment and healing process, Curaden’s chlorhexidine mouthwash contains ADS (anti-discoloration system). The benefits of chlorhexidine are not af- fected by this addition and several studies have shown that Curaden’s 0.2 per cent chlorhexidine mouth- wash containing ADS has the same beneficial effect as other 0.2 per cent chlorhexidine mouthwashes, but without discolouration of the teeth. The company’s portfolio of chlorhex- idine products includes CURASEPT ADS 350 Periodontal Gel with 0.5 per cent chlorhexidine for topical application. The product can be used weekly in treating difficult periodon- tal cases and peri-implantitis. The right kit used according to the right technique As an all-in-one solution to im- plant care, the CURAPROX im- plant kit contains a CS 5460 ultra soft toothbrush, a CS 1009 single toothbrush, the CPS prime and CPS soft implant interdental brushes, an interdental access probe and a bro- chure that comprehensively ex- plains why care of your patient’s im- plant is so important and easy. “When recommending this kit to your patients, it is helpful to use the brochure to explain the right tech- niques to your patient. No matter what tools you use for implant care, implant specialists need to deter- mine the individual periodontal situ- ation of each patient,” said Ventimi- glia. “Following a simple, non-trau- matic oral hygiene routine for im- plant patients should be standard in implant treatment.” (cid:26)

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