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today EAO Madrid October 05, 2017

EAO 26th Annual Scientifi c Meeting Madrid · 5–7 October 2017 04 05 06 Interview Business Products in focus Dr Pär Johansson about the advantages and challenges of PEEK implants and what the new material could mean for the future of implantology. » page 8 pp Shifting consumer preferences, positive up- take of CAD/CAM technology and other de- velopments in the European dental implant market. » page 20 The EAO-SEPES meeting will be an excel- lent opportunity to see the most up-to-date innovations and technologies in dental im- plantology. » page 23 The next full-arch revolution With Trefoil, Nobel Biocare presents a defi nitive fi xed solution to treat more patients better (cid:132) Nobel Biocare has continually led innovation in full-arch solutions for over 50 years. Now, the company has achieved another breakthrough in the effi cient treatment of the edentu- lous mandible. The launch of the new Trefoil system has made the passive fi t of a pre-manufactured bar possible for the very fi rst time, using a revolu- tionary, self-adjusting fi xation mecha- nism and just three implants. An in- novation that drives effi ciency at every step, from manufacture to de- fi nitive restoration, the Trefoil system makes a fi xed full-arch implant solu- tion a real possibility for more pa- tients. More patients benefi t from a fi xed solution The benefi ts of fi xed solutions far outweigh the costs of fi xed-remova- ble solutions for many patients when considering implant-supported solu- tions.1 While a removable implant re- habilitation may offer a lower price and faster treatment than typical fi xed alternatives, many patients de- sire the comfort and ease of a fi xed prosthesis,2 which has been proven to signifi cantly improve quality of life.3 Fixed solutions also offer enhanced function with a higher bite force and better retention and stability, and avoid some of the disadvantages of removable solutions, such as more mucosal problems and the wear of components.4 Developed with the needs of the many in mind, the effi ciency of the Trefoil system empowers clinicians to provide many patients who are held back by time or fi nances with the premi- um-quality fi xed solution they deserve. (cid:5) 2 (cid:24)Fig. 1: The Trefoil system offers a precision-milled bar with self-adjust- ing joints for a passive fi t. (cid:24)Fig. 2: The mechanism allows screws to self-adjust in compensa- tion for inherent deviations from each implant’s ideal height, angula- tion and position. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 AD MORE INVENTIVE LESS INVASIVE DENTAL AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES 17 av. Gustave Eiffel BP 30216 33708 MERIGNAC cedex FRANCE Tel + 33 (0) 556 340 607 Fax + 33 (0) 556 349 292 E-mail:

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