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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 3, 2017

F u l l y d i g i t a l w o r k f l o w Improved fully digital work- flow to rehabilitate an edentulous patient with an implant overdenture in 4 appointments: A case report Marco Tallarico,a Danilo Schiappa,b Franco Schipani,c Fabio Cocchi,d Marco Annuccie & Erta Xhanarif a Aldent University, Tirana, Albania; private practice, Rome, Italy b Private practice, Fondi, Italy c Private practice, Bologna, Italy d Private practice, Modena, Italy e Private practice, Rome, Italy f Private practice, Tirana, Albania C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r : Dr. Marco Tallarico Via di Val Tellina 116 00151 Rome Italy T +39 328 075 8769 H o w t o c i t e t h i s a r t i c l e : Tallarico M, Schiappa D, Schipani F, Cocchi F, Annucci M, Xhanari E. Improved fully digital workflow to rehabilitate edentulous patient with an implant overdenture in 4 appointments: A case report. J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2017 Sep;3(3):38–46. Abstract B a c k g r o u n d The digital revolution is changing the world, and dentistry is no exception. Through the development of new equipment and workflows, the diag- nosis and treatment of patients are becoming simpler and more e(cid:2)icient. However, a fully digital approach to treating edentulous patients may be a challenge and time-consuming, because edentulous sites are often flat and smooth, with few features. C a s e p r e s e n t a t i o n This clinical case presentation demonstrates step by step a fully digital workflow to rehabilitate a 67-year-old edentulous patient with a remov- able complete dental prosthesis. Treatment included cone beam com- puted tomography scan taken according to a modified double-scan pro- tocol, existing removable complete dental prosthesis digitalization, computer-guided template-assisted implant placement, an optical impression taken with a modified template, a CAD/CAM titanium bar and a cobalt–chromium, friction fit superstructure framework. C o n c l u s i o n A fully digital workflow was e(cid:2)ective in restoring function and esthetics in an edentulous male patient treated with an overdenture fully supported by four implants and a CAD/CAM titanium bar with a low-profile attach- ment system. K e y w o r d s Intraoral scanner, digital impression, guided surgery, accuracy, dental implants, overdenture. 38 Volume 3 | Issue 3/2017 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation

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