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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.2, 2017

maxillary molar distalisation with aligners case report Fig. 1a Fig. 1b Fig. 1c intended to be barely noticeable and not uncom- fortable. The device can be used with fixed appli- ances and aligners. A human skull study has shown that the vibration generated by the AcceleDent device can be well transmitted through the den- tition and skull.10 Therefore, the device is able to reduce treatment time by inducing a more rapid response of bone cells to orthodontic forces. Case report A 25-year-old female patient requested an aes- thetic orthodontic treatment that was not easy to manage because of her job as a make-up artist travelling across Europe. She presented with a Class II, Division 1 relationship: mild crowding in the lower arch and moderate crowding in the upper arch. The overjet was increased up to 10 mm. The profile analysis also revealed a protruded lip position (Figs. 1a–c). Considering the patient’s aesthetic request and her refusal of surgical in- tervention or extraction, the treatment plan was designed to obtain a final molar and canine Class I relationship through sequential distalisation of the maxillary teeth using Invisalign aligners (Align Technology), composite attachments on all of the distalising teeth and Class II elastics ortho 2/2017 27

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