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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.2, 2017

open bite closure technique Fig. 5b Figs. 5a & b A 9-year-old patient demon- strating that the anterior tongue positioning is additionally directed inferiorly resulting in the proclination of the lower incisors, supporting the indication that TS2s need to be placed in both the upper and lower arches. Figs. 5c & d The radiographs reveal that anterior tongue positioning (c) is often associated with nasal obstruction related to enlarged and chronically inflamed turbinates (d), secondary mouth breathing, and molar overeruption. Figs. 5e & f Lip harmony and balance were shown after ROC using the four-component system of TS2s, anterior box elastics, active self-ligating brackets, and specialised archwires for torque control. Fig. 5a Fig. 5c Fig. 5d Fig. 5e Fig. 5f ortho 2/2017 13

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