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Worldental Daily Madrid 2017, 31 August - 01 September

31 August | 1 September 2017 31 de agosto | 1 de septiembre de 2017 news noticias Minamata Convention on Mercury enters into force El Convenio sobre el Mercurio entra en vigor to The Minamata Convention on Mercury—important the dental profession owing to its nine special provisions for the phase- down of dental amalgam—entered into force in more than 70 ratifying countries on 16 August 2017. The convention addresses the supply side through restrictions on mercury mining, transport, storage and trade, and is slated to have a major impact on the availability and cost of prod- ucts using mercury in their manufac- ture. The first meeting of the Confer- ence of the Parties (COP1) will take place in Geneva in Switzerland on 24–29 September to support coun- tries in the implementation phase. Preparatory regional meetings took place throughout July for the Asia- © FDI World Dental Federation | Dr Harry-Sam Selikowitz | Dr. Harry-Sam Selikowitz Pacific region in Bangkok in Thailand, for Africa in Johannesburg in South Africa, for central and eastern Europe in Brno in the Czech Republic, and for Latin America and the Caribbean in Buenos Aires in Argentina. To celebrate the commitment of the international community to the Minamata Convention, COP1 will cul- minate in a high-level segment titled “Make mercury history”, to be held on 28 and 29 September and hosted by the President of Switzerland. The FDI actively participated in the six sessions of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC), held from 2009 to 2013, leading up to the signing of the convention and inter- vened frequently on behalf of the den- tal community when dental amalgam was under discussion. The federation AD TePe Interdental Brush with soft neck Booth 5D 10/11 T N I 1 2 0 1 7 1 D A also participated in the INC’s seventh session, which focused on implemen- tation issues, and plans to attend COP1. “Nearly two-thirds of ratifying countries are in the low- and mid- dle-income category. They will need a lot of help and support in implement- ing the convention’s amalgam phase- down provisions,” said Dr Harry-Sam Selikowitz, Chair of the FDI Science Committee. “A first step would be an urgent and thorough review of cur- rent research, recent developments and new restorative materials, i.e. an update of the 2009 World Health Or- ganization report Future Use of Materi- als for Dental Restoration. The FDI’s Dental Materials Task Team is currently working on this.” “Furthermore, a phase-down is fea- sible where cost-effective, accessible, affordable and credible alternative materials exist,” he emphasised. E l Convenio de Minamata sobre el Mercurio, que es determinante para la profesión dental debido a (cid:5) page página 4 AD THE VALUE IS IN THE DETAIL Discover the new XO FLEX unit. Individually balanced instruments Surfaces painted with antibacterial coating Integrated elbow support Hands-free operation of all unit functions with foot control Clear view of each tooth surface without strains and bending XO Comfort upholstery with foam that adjusts to patient’s body shape Individual adjustments of e.g. spray water, air or torque Shadow-free light, accurate in all working positions Timeless Danish design Get a glimpse of XO FLEX EXTRAORDINARY DENTISTRY 3

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