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Worldental Daily Madrid 2017, 29 August

science & practice ciencia & clínica 29 August 2017 29 de agosto de 2017 Regenerative therapies for the treatment of periodontitis Terapias regenerativas para tratar la periodontitis | An interview with FDI presenter Dr Mariano Sanz | Dr. Mariano Sanz tratará el tema en FDI Madrid 2017 Dr Mariano Sanz, Professor of Periodontology at the Com- plutense University of Ma- drid in Spain and the author of more than 200 scientific publica- tions on periodontics, dental im- plants and dental education, will be one of the speakers at the 2017 FDI World Dental Congress. Recognised internationally for his research, Sanz directs the specialisation pro- gramme in periodontics and im- plant therapeutics and is doctor ho- noris causa at the University of Go- thenburg in Sweden. In the follow- ing interview, the Spanish expert discusses these topics and the rea- sons he is looking forward to the event in Madrid. AD © CGD |Dr Mariano Sanz | Dr Mariano Sanz Oral health for an ageing population Improving elders’ oral health by clinical actions Symposium August 30 15:00–17:30 Room Sorolla OBJECTIVES (cid:74) Raise awareness among health professionals to the issue of oral health and elderly patients (cid:74) Provide dentists with practical tools and actions to better handle and manage elderly patients SPEAKERS • Prof. Kakuhiro Fukai • Dr Martin Schimmel • Associate Prof. Elisa Chavez-Luna • Associate Prof. Kanji Nohara L E A D I N G T H E W O R L D T O O P T I M A L O R A L H E A LT H 8 World Dental Daily: What aspects will your presentation highlight? Dr Mariano Sanz: It will deal with the e(cid:5)cacy of regenerative therapies in the treatment of periodontitis. In this presentation, I will review the re- sults of both graft-based and mem- brane-based technologies, which have been the standard of treatment for many years, as well as new biologi- cal approaches using growth factors and cellular therapies within the framework of tissue bioengineering. My fundamental message will be that we currently have regenerative tech- nologies that allow us to maintain the natural dentition and to save teeth even when they are seriously compro- mised by periodontitis. What are the latest developments in this area? Regenerative therapy is a field in which much progress has been made in recent years, not only owing to tech- nological advances like the develop- ment of new biomaterials, but also gress in our country, and general den- tal practitioners should make use of the opportunity. And on a personal level? in Firstly, the magnitude of the event. This congress is of global significance for our profession, and therefore it is a privilege to have the opportunity to participate the scientific pro- gramme. Secondly, that it is taking place in my home city of Madrid is an additional advantage that will allow me not only to share my work, but also to promote the Complutense Univer- sity of Madrid, where I work and of which I am very proud. E l Dr. Mariano Sanz, Catedrático de Periodoncia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y autor de más de 200 publicaciones cientí(cid:3)- cas sobre Periodoncia, Implantes Den- tales y Educación Odontológica, será uno de los ponentes en el Congreso Dental de FDI Madrid 2017. Recono- “We currently have regenerative technologies that allow us to maintain the natural dentition and to save teeth even when they are seriously compromised by periodontitis.” owing to our better biological knowl- edge of the healing processes. This has allowed us to develop therapeutic concepts mimicking the natural pro- cesses and thus allowing biology itself to rebuild the tissue destroyed by oral disease. Likewise, much progress has been made in our knowledge of the organi- sation and physiology of the commu- nities of microorganisms that colonise the oral cavity and are responsible for most of the pathologies we deal with, including dental caries, periodontal disease and peri-implant disease. This knowledge has allowed the develop- ment of new antimicrobial strategies that are more effective and offer great potential in the prevention of oral dis- ease. What does it mean to attend an event of this nature? It is a great opportunity to update one’s knowledge. An international event like the 2017 FDI World Dental Congress in Madrid covers all areas of dentistry, and for this reason, it is very attractive to general dentists seeking to update their knowledge in their re- spective fields. It is a significant advan- tage to be able to attend such a con- cido a nivel internacional por sus tra- bajos de investigación, el Dr. Sanz di- rige el programa de especialización en Periodoncia y Terapéutica de Implan- tes y es Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Gotenburgo, en Sue- cia. En la siguiente entrevista, el ex- perto español explica el tema que de- sarrollará en el Congreso FDI Madrid 2017. World Dental Daily: ¿Qué aspectos destacará su ponencia? Dr. Mariano Sanz: Tratará sobre la eficacia de las terapias regenerativas en el tratamiento de la periodontitis. En esta ponencia revisaremos tanto los re- sultados de las tecnologías basadas en injertos y membranas, que han sido el estándar de tratamiento durante mu- chos años, como los nuevos enfoques biológicos, utilizando factores de creci- miento y terapias celulares dentro del marco de la bio-ingeniería tisular. Mi mensaje fundamental será que dispo- nemos en la actualidad de tecnologías regenerativas que nos permiten mante- ner la dentición natural y salvar los dien- tes, incluso cuando están seriamente comprometidos por la periodontitis. ¿Cuáles son los últimos avances en este área?

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