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Worldental Daily, Madrid, 2017

Advance Issue Edición Pre Congreso news noticias FDI to adopt new and revised policy statements La FDI promulgará nuevas Declaraciones de Principios The FDI general assembly, the La Asamblea General de la FDI, el mente revisadas: Educación Dental Continua; Práctica Dental y Terceros, y Promoción de la Salud Bucal mediante flúor. órgano legislativo y de gobierno de la federación, adoptará una serie de Declaraciones de Principios durante su reunión en Madrid el 31 de agosto. Las Declaraciones de Principios son manifiestos que definen la posición ac- tual de la FDI sobre diversos temas rela- cionados con la salud oral, las políticas de salud oral y la profesión dental. Se realizan mediante consultas, discusio- nes y consensos de los principales exper- tos internacionales de diversos comités de la FDI, las asociaciones dentales na- cionales y otras organizaciones. Este año se promulagarán seis nue- vas Declaraciones de Principios sobre los siguientes temas: Publicidad en Odontología; Odontología CAD/CAM; Salud oral para toda la vida; Manejo del Dolor Odontogénico; Calidad en Odon- tología y Sostenibilidad en Odontolo- gía. Tres declaraciones han sido amplia- Muchos Declaraciones de Principios de la FDI son el resultado de proyectos (cid:5) page página 6 AD federation’s supreme legisla- tive and governing body, is set to adopt a series of new and revised policy statements during its meeting in Madrid on 31 August. These state- ments are declarations laying out current FDI thinking on various is- sues related to oral health, oral health policies and the dental pro- fession. They are put together through consultation, discussion and consensus of leading interna- tional experts within various FDI committees, national dental associa- tions and other organisations. This year’s crop includes six new policy statements, which address ad- vertisement in dentistry, CAD/CAM dentistry, lifelong oral health, odonto- genic pain management, quality in dentistry and sustainability in den- tistry. Three statements on continuing dental education, dental practice and third parties, and promoting oral health through fluoride have under- gone extensive revision. Many FDI policy statements are the result of projects carried out by the FDI Science Committee, Dental Prac- tice Committee and Public Health Committee, sometimes in collabora- tion with entities such as the World Health Organization. “The science of dentistry is contin- ually evolving and FDI policy state- ments should always reflect the latest thinking based on the latest research and development,” said Science Com- mittee Chair Dr Harry-Sam Selikowitz, from Norway. “Developing new texts to address new issues and keeping current texts up to date is one of the pillars of our committee work.” “Policy statements are one of the FDI’s greatest contributions to world dentistry and have a practical role to play in supporting national regula- tions in many parts of the world,” added Dental Practice Committee Chair Dr Michael Sereny, from Ger- many. “Dentists are practical people and need practical advice—and this is what we are providing in our policy statements.” “FDI’s role has always been to share knowledge and experience among members of the dental com- munity to support and advocate the development of e(cid:5)ective national public oral health policies,” said Public Health Committee Chair Jo Frencken, from the Netherlands. “Policy state- ments evolve from debate among dentists from around the world and thus constitute an international con- sensus.” More information on the FDI pol- icy statements is available at fdi- Sign up FREE – weekly e-news delivered to your inbox – latest industry developments – event specials – exclusive interviews with key opinion leaders – product information – clinical cases – job adverts Sign up to the fi nest e-read in dentistry 5

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