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Worldental Daily, Madrid, 2017

news noticias Advance Issue Edición Pre Congreso Come to Madrid, host city of the 2017 FDI World Dental Congress Madrid, sede del Congreso Mundial de FDI 2017 | An interview with Dr Óscar Castro Reino, president of the Spanish dental association | Entrevista con Oscar Castro Reino, presidente del CGD The Spanish dental association (Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólo- gos de España) is the body in charge of organising the upcoming FDI World Dental Congress, which is tak- ing place in Madrid from 29 August to 1 September. In the following in- terview, President Dr Óscar Castro Reino talks about the reasons for at- tending this prestigious event. World Dental Daily: Dr Reino, what makes the FDI World Dental Con- gress unique? Dr Óscar Castro Reino: We hope the FDI World Dental Congress in Ma- drid will be the dentistry event of the decade. That is our goal, and frankly, I believe that there is no other congress AD in the world that o(cid:5)ers the possibilities of our con- gress. It is a multidisci- plinary event boasting the best speakers at national and international level and will run for four full days— and all at a really a(cid:5)ord- able price. In addition, the com- mercial part of the con- gress will be of great im- portance, since we expect the presence of the most important dental brands worldwide—everything in the same space, with all the comforts. Not forget- ting that the host city, Ma- drid, is a cosmopolitan #LiveMouthSmart #WOHD17 Live MOUTH SMART World Oral Health Day 2017 149 COUNTRIES • 5 CONTINENTS • 1 DAY capital that o(cid:5)ers the visitor infinite possibilities for enjoying his or her stay. lighting the importance of the two- way relationship between oral health and general health. What is the international role of den- tistry? The profession is governed by the national regulations established by each country; however, all dental pro- fessionals have a common goal: to en- sure good oral health for all our pa- tients based on strictly medical crite- ria. I am referring first to prevention, but also to treatment, that is making an adequate diagnosis and following up with the most appropriate medical and therapeutic treatment in each case. Our role in society is to guaran- tee the oral health of the population, and we should not lose sight of this. What are recent advances? The importance of common risk factors and a comprehensive ap- proach to non-communicable dis- eases. Owing to this, several events are planned for the scientific programme of the congress that will address the What makes Madrid so popular for event organisers and participants? Madrid is a spectacular city, and an ideal place to organise a congress of this kind. This is mainly due to its loca- tion in the heart of Europe, its pleas- ant climate, cosmopolitan image, beauty and history. In addition, it is a modern and safe capital that is well connected and o(cid:5)ers many possibili- ties for tourism: enjoying the famous Spanish tapas downtown, walking and exploring its streets, monuments and museums, or attending one of the great sporting events, such as a Real Madrid or Atlético football match. The options for experiencing Madrid are endless, but we will addi- tionally be o(cid:5)ering a social pro- gramme that will meet the expecta- tions of all attendees. We have all the ingredients to make the congress a success, so I encourage all dentists and clinic sta(cid:5) to come to Madrid. © emperorcosar/ THANK Y U FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Organized by In partnership with 2 “Madrid is a spectacular city…” relationship between oral health and general health. As the slogan for the FDI’s World Oral Health Day 2016 said, “Healthy mouth. Healthy body.”, there is an undeniable relationship between oral health and general health, and it is our role to convey to the community that good oral health is very import- ant to help prevent other pathologies that a(cid:5)ect other parts of the body. What are the challenges in dentistry, oral health and public health? The greatest challenge we face is being able to incorporate dentistry as a full right in the Spanish public health sector so that the oral health of citi- zens is seen in a comprehensive way and with the participation of all health sectors. Only in this way can we uni- versalise oral health, which is one of our objectives as health professionals. With regard to the congress, there will be symposia and conferences high- E l Consejo General de Dentistas de España (CGD) es la institución encargada de organizar el próximo Congreso Mundial de la Fede- ración Dental Internacional (FDI), que se celebrará en Madrid del 29 de agosto al 1 de septiembre de 2017. En la siguiente entrevista, el Dr. Oscar Castro Reino, presidente del CGD, ex- plica las razones para asistir a este gran congreso, en el cual los odontólo- gos latinoamericanos contarán con un gran descuento. World Dental Daily: ¿Qué hace único al Congreso de la FDI? Dr. Oscar Castro Reino: Nosotros aspiramos a que el Congreso de la FDI de Madrid sea el evento odontológico de la década. Ése es nuestro objetivo, y sinceramente, creo que no hay ningún otro congreso a nivel mundial que ofrezca las posibilidades que va a tener el nuestro. Se trata de un evento multi-

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