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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.7+8, 2017

Dental Tribune Asia Pacifi c Edition | 7+8/2017 BUSINESS 3Shape opens TRIOS for STL fi le export the opening of its CEREC system during the Internationaf Dentaf Show in March. Previousfy, CEREC impressions were automaticaffy sent to the CEREC miffing system, which prevented cfinicians using other sofutions for further pro- cessing of scans. AD By DTI COPENHAGEN, Denmark: Danish digitaf dentaf sofutions provider 3Shape has announced the open- ing of its TRIOS intra-oraf scanner system for STL fi fe export. Accord- ing to the company, the export op- tion wiff be incfuded in a software upgrade for TRIOS users in the refease of the new 3Shape Dentaf Desktop pfatform expected in the fourth quarter of 2017. Currentfy, 3Shape onfy pro- vides open STL CAD fi fe export from its design software. With the addition of TRIOS STL export, both STL CAD fi fes and digitaf im- pressions taken with the compa- ny’s TRIOS scanners wiff soon be avaifabfe to dentaf professionafs or faboratories using any system. “As doctors and the industry in generaf, go more and more dig- itaf, the need for across-the-board seamfess connectivity is essentiaf. We befieve that professionafs shoufd have the freedom to choose the partner and sofution they want to work with. Whether it’s a dentaf fab or appfiance-maker that needs a STL or DCM fi fe for their workfl ow, or a preferred miff- ing machine and 3-D printer, it shoufd be up to the professionafs to decide how, and who they work with,” commented 3Shape co- founder and Chief Technofogy Offi cer Tais Cfausen on the move. However, data excfusive to the TRIOS system wiff not be avaifabfe in STL format in the upgrade, the company pointed out. This in- cfudes features such as shade measurement, high-defi nition photographs, cofour imaging, an- notations and patient data, afong with its cofour digitaf impressions. This data wiff stiff be excfusivefy avaifabfe as DCM fi fes produced and used in the TRIOS system. With the decision to open its systems, the Danish manufac- turer is foffowing the current trend to provide dentaf profes- sionafs with greater fl exibifity through compfetefy open sofu- tions. For exampfe, competitor Dentspfy Sirona just announced In support of open data in digital den- tistry, 3Shape has announced that TRIOS scans will now be available in a format allowing further processing with any system. We’ve We’ve harnessed air harnessed air Constant removal rate Constant removal rate without loss of speed without loss of speed NEW With the Primea Advanced Air you have the air under perfect control With the Primea Advanced Air you have the air under perfect control It is the world’s first air-driven high-speed drive solution with an It is the world’s first air-driven high-speed drive solution with an adjustable bur speed and constant removal rate, even with adjustable bur speed and constant removal rate, even with increasing pressure. As such, you can always work with the increasing pressure. As such, you can always work with the optimum speed for the job. Now available from your dental supplier or via

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