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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.7+8, 2017

news Periodontal health in focus at FDI congress 2017  From 29 August to 1 September, the FDI World Dental Federation is holding its Annual World Dental Con) gress (AWDC) in Madrid. For the sixth time, the organisation is hosting its World Oral Health Forum (WOHF) as part of the congress. With future ini) tiatives in mind, this year’s forum will focus on periodontal health. The WOHF was launched in 2012, inspired by the model of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, an initiative that engages the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. The WOHF is in line with the FDI’s Vision 2020 initiative to shape the future of oral health. Although generally a single)ses) sion format, the forum has also con) sisted of a number of sessions in the past, featuring diverse speakers dis) cussing global challenges and oppor) tunities related to oral health. The WOHF sessions typically include short presentations by the panellists on topics relevant to both dentists and the wider society, followed by ques) tions and answers. According to the FDI, the WOHF seeks to expose FDI members to mat) ters not necessarily discussed at den) tal congresses and to attract audi) ences who might not regularly attend dental events. Panels are usually made up of one representative of an international organisation (such as UN agencies WHO, UNICEF and UNEP) or of a political body (like ministries of health, the environment and the economy), one representative of the dental and oral health industry, one or two representatives from FDI membership and one representative of a non)dental organisation (such as cardiology associations and IT organ) isations). Past forums have addressed top) ics such as the Minamata Conven) tion regarding amalgam phase)down, guide lines on sugar intake and chal) lenges of oral health care in an ageing society. The 2017 WOHF in Madrid, held on 31 August from 9:00 to 12:00, will explore the theme “Global periodontal health: Challenges, prior) ities and perspectives”. The panel) lists will discuss why periodontal diseases are an important topic to ad) dress and whether they are prevent) able and treatable. They will talk about current problems and recom) mended actions. Each presentation will be followed by a panel debate. The FDI AWDC is held every year in a different country. Visitors can attend lectures given by prominent international speakers on the latest advances in dentistry and oral health. This year’s scientifi c programme will feature 47 expert speakers from 24 countries and cover nearly 30 ma) jor areas and topics of concern to to) day’s dental and oral health care practitioners. The parallel Spanish programme will include 28 lectures by 26 speak) ers addressing 12 fi elds of dentistry, such as public health, dental materi) als, periodontics and restorative den) tistry. In addition, visitors will have the opportunity to attend the ac) companying exhibition and hands)on GC Chairman receives honorary doctorate sessions according to their prefer) ences. hibitor list, is now available for down) load. The FDI Madrid 2017 App, with a detailed congress programme and ex) More information on the WOHF can be found at  AD  In acknowledgement of the long) standing mutually benefi cial relation) ship between Japanese dental manu) facturer GC and the University of Turku in Finland, GC Chairman Ma) koto Nakao has been awarded an hon) orary doctorate from the university’s Faculty of Medicine. “For me, this is the most signifi ) cant personal recognition that I have received,” Nakao told the audience at the conferment ceremony in Turku. Al) though it was not the fi rst award given to him, his previous international hon) ours were primarily from the business sector and from science communities and governments, he said. The collaboration between GC and the university started in 1999. In cooperation with the Turku Clini) cal Biomaterials Centre, GC was able to further advance the development of preventive bioactive composites, among other things. In 2013, the fruitful cooperation led to the launch of a dental composite that has since won fi ve different innovation and quality awards. Playing a vital role in the part) nership between GC and the uni) versity, Prof. Pekka Vallittu, direc) tor of the centre, said that GC is one of the world’s largest devel) opers, manufacturers and sellers of oral biomaterials. Therefore, the cooperation helps ensure that science and research at the university remain updated on the needs of the den) tal industry. This year, the medi) cal faculty at the univer) sity only awarded one other honorary doctorate, to immu) nology and stem cell biology ex) pert Prof. Irving Weissman from Stanford University in the US.  GC Chairman Makoto Nakao has re) ceived an honorary doctor) ate from the Univer) sity of Turku. 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