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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.7+8, 2017

DENTAL TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Newspaper · Asia Pacifi c Edition PUBLISHED IN HONG KONG PERFECT SMILE What exactly makes a smile gen- uine or pleasant? In a new study, researchers have investigated the traits of a winning smile. BONE COLLECTION An interview about teeth and bones with Prof. John Clement and Dr Rita Hardiman from the University of Melbourne. VOL. 15, NO. 7+8 EZ-BASE Designed for extreme angulation, the new MIS abutment will provide practitioners with more freedom of choice for prosthetic restorations. ” Page 04 ” Page 06 ” Page 08 Combating peri-implantitis By DTI SEOUL, South Korea: ihe most .om- mon .ause of peri-implantitis is the formation of a biofi lm on the im- plant surfa.e. Resear.hers in South Korea have now tested a novel sur- pro.edure and shown pro m- ising results in .ombating this infl ammation. In two .ase studies of male patients over the age of 50 who exhibited severe peri-implantitis, the .lini.ians used the R-Brush (Neobiote.h), a round brush with titanium alloy bristles, to .lean the affe.ted implant In addition, a regenerative approa.h in.orporating bone grafting ma- terials was used to rebuild the bone surrounding the implant. ihe titanium brush proved to be highly effe.tive at removing biofi lm from the implant sur- fa.e, the resear.hers noted. In ad- dition to eliminating the .ontam- inated original rough surfa.e, the brush .reated a new rough implant surfa.e. ihis newly .re- Higher caries risk ADELAIDE, Australia: A study .on- du.ted at the University of Adelaide has suggested that .hildren who are breastfed for at least two years .ould be at a higher risk of dental .aries. ihe resear.hers .onsidered this fi nding against the .hildren’s pattern of sugar intake from foods. Dr Karen Glazer Peres from the Adelaide Dental S.hool explained that .hildren still breastfed at age 2 or older had an in.reased risk of de- veloping dental problems, in.lud- ing teeth that showed signs of de.ay, were missing or had a fi lling. A..ording to the study, their risk of having severe early .hild- hood .aries was also 2.4 times higher .ompared with those who were breastfed up to 1 year of age. However, the resear.hers found that breastfeeding up to the age of 13–23 months had no effe.t on den- tal .aries in.iden.e. Overall, 1,129 .hildren born in 2004 in Pelotas in Brazil, a .ommunity with a publi. fl uoridated water supply, were in- .luded in the study. rougher implant surfa.e, the re- sear.hers wrote. ihe study, titled “ireatment of severe peri-implantitis using a round titanium brush for im- plant surfa.e de.ontamination: A .ase report with reen- try”, was published in the June issue of the Journal of Oral Implantology. IV_Image_Anz_102z128_Layout 1 01.12.11 17:10 Seite 1 Researchers in South Korea have described the protocol for using a newly developed round titanium brush to clean and modify the contaminated surfaces of an implant affected by severe peri-implantitis. ated surfa.e made the regenera- tive pro.ess more su..essful and predi.table, the follow-up assess- ment at three, six and 12 months after treatment indi.ated. Dur- ing the two-year follow-up, the bone level was maintained. ihe results are in line with those of previous studies that have shown that re-osseointegra- tion .an o..ur on previ- ously .ontaminated by dental plaque and surrounded by a bone defe.t. Although there is no simi- lar proto.ol in the treatment of se- vere peri-implantitis yet, the two .ases in whi.h the R-Brush was used suggest that open debride- ment may result in re-osseointe- gration and that this integration may be more pronoun.ed on a Artifi cial blood vessels US resear.hers have developed a revolutionary pro.ess by whi.h to engineer new blood vessels in teeth using pre-vas.ularised dental tissue .onstru.ts. ihe te.hnique involves a fi bre mould made of sugar mole.ules a.ross the root .anal and inje.ting a gel-like material, similar to proteins found in the body, fi lled with dental pulp .ells. After seven days, .ells prolif- erated near the tooth walls and arti- fi .ial blood vessels formed inside the tooth. “ihis result proves that fabri.ation of artifi .ial blood vessels .an be a highly effe.tive strategy for fully regenerating the fun.tion of teeth,” said prin.ipal investigator Dr Luiz E. Bertassoni. “We believe that this fi nding may .hange the way that root .anal treatments are done in the future.” Ruth Potterton and Dr Robert Witton are to join a small team of professionals volunteer- ” NEWS Page 02 ing for Dentaid in the Philippines. ADA: Dental Health Week Water fl uorida- tion funding From 7 to 13 August, the Aus- tralian Dental Asso.iation will be .elebrating Dental Health Week. Among other things, the .ampaign aims to motivate dental profession- als to be.ome more a.tively en- gaged with one another and with the .ommunity they serve. Den- tists .an fi nd guidan.e on running their own events at au/Dental-Health-Week. New Zealand Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman has an- noun.ed that the federal govern- ment’s 2017 budget will .ommit NZ$12 million (US$8.66 million) over the next four years to help build the infrastru.ture needed to fl uoridate drinking water. “In.reasing a..ess to fl uoridated water will improve oral health and mean fewer .ostly trips to the dentist,” Coleman said. AD Distinguished by innovation Healthy teeth produce a radiant smile. We strive to achieve this goal on a daily basis. It inspires us to search for innovative, economic and esthetic solutions for direct filling procedures and the fabrication of indirect, fixed or removable restorations, so that you have quality products at your disposal to help people regain a beautiful smile. Ivoclar Vivadent AG Bendererstr. 2 | FL-9494 Schaan | Liechtenstein | Tel.: +423 6 235 35 35 | Fax: +423 6 235 33 60

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