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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 2, 2017

| practice management Successful communication in your daily practice Part II: Curious patients Author: Dr Anna Maria Yiannikos, Germany & Cyprus the solutions for daily communication problems you are facing with your patients that bring you into a difficult situation, make you lose your sleep or even trust to your own self! Let’s face it! We are not only dentists—we have a business to run! Are you ready to find solutions to all these problems? Let’s start with today’s amazing brain-melting topic which is: How to shush patients that have too many questions? Five steps to solve the problem with courtesy and caring! How to shush curious patients How many times have you been delayed by a pa- tient that is constantly asking questions? Maybe it is because he wants to feel that he is in control or maybe he is afraid of the treatment or even he does not trust you enough. Whatever the reason is, you cannot spend the whole day answering his questions! And this is a real fact! On the other hand, you do not want to be per- ceived as rude. So, my gift for you today is a protocol to deal with this annoying patient habit nicely and at the same time effectively! 5 steps for a successful communication Here is how it goes: Step 1: Be in charge of the conversation Before you start the treatment, spend five to ten minutes sitting with your patient at your office area and explain the proposed or upcoming treatment. m o c . k c o t s r e t t u h S / l w o F e g a m I © Welcome to the 2nd part of the new communication series; the series that includes the most popular and challenging scenarios that might occur in your dental practice with helpful tips of how you can deal with them so your patients always leave your practice feeling: “My dentist is THE BEST!” Each individual ar- ticle of this series will teach you a new specialized protocol that you can use easily, customise and adapt from the same day on to your own dental clinic’s requirements and needs. I am here to teach you all 30 laser 2 2017

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