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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 2, 2017

T w o i m p l a n t s s u p p o r t i n g a m a n d i b u l a r o v e r d e n t u r e complete mandibular dentures, even in severely atrophic patients. In the present study, extra- soft or soft retentive caps were used during the first month after loading in order to allow for easy management by patients. The stronger retentive caps were used to improve the balance between mucosal support and implant reten- tion, also increasing patient satisfaction. A mandibular overdenture supported by two implants is a well-proven treatment option for severely atrophic patients when a conventional removable denture is not sufficient to ensure function and esthetics. In this historic time, in which the average age of patients has increased, it is important to have a minimally invasive, safe and predictable treatment option that can greatly improve quality of life of patients. Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, a mandibu- lar overdenture supported by two implants can be considered an effective and predictable option for successful treatment of patients pre- senting with Cawood and Howell Class V or VI mandibular atrophy. After a short period of ac- commodation, it is recommended to replace the conventional retention caps with stronger ones to improve overden-ture stability and thus pa- tient satisfaction. Competing interests All authors declare no conflicts of interest. References 1. Albrektsson T, Blomberg S, Brånemark A, Carlsson GE. Edentulousness—an oral handicap. Patient reactions to treatment with jawbone-anchored prostheses. → J Oral Rehabil. 1987 Nov;14(6):503–11. 2. Allen PF. Association between diet, social resources and oral health related quality of life in edentulous patients. → J Oral Rehabil. 2005 Sep;32(9):623–8. 3. Ellis JS, Burawi G, Walls A, Thomason JM. 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