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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 2, 2017

S u c c e s s , s u r v i v a l a n d f a i l u r e r a t e s o f d e n t a l i m p l a n t s Fig. 1 Distribution of the implants according to the scale of implant health.9 Fig. 2 Distribution of the prosthetic rehabilitation according to the quality. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 BOP was found in eight implants and increased PD (> 4 mm) in five implants. The occurrence of BOP after insertion of a probe with light pressure reveals the presence of an inflammatory lesion in the gingiva around the tooth. With respect to the mucosa around the implant, the accuracy of the diagnostic role of BOP seems to be greater than around natural teeth.11 In the present study, 58% of the periimplant tissue was considered healthy. In addition to these criteria, other factors may be related to the rate of success or failure of the implant, such as age, sex, systemic dis- ease, smoking, area of implant placement, im- plant diameter and height, additional surgery and bone resorption. In the present study, the success and survival rates were similar among the age groups, corroborating with the findings in the literature that the age of the patient is not related to the implant success rate.12–14 Five pa- tients with systemic disease and five with a smoking habit were included in the study. Re- garding systemic disease, studies have shown Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Volume 3 | Issue 2/2017 29

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