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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation No. 2, 2017

O z o n e t r e a t m e n t f o r d e n t i n a l h y p e r s e n s i t i v i t y Acknowledgments Competing interests The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Mar- gherita Cimadori for her fundamental contribution. None of the authors have any conflict of interest to disclose. Dentinal hypersensitivity: questionnaire for the patient Appendix A Questionnaire at first visit Appendix A Name: Surname: Number: 1- What's your pain sensation on a 0-to-10 scale? 2- Do you feel pain when taking hot/cold food/beverages? 3- Do you feel pain when you brush your teeth? 4- Do you feel pain when breathing with gritted teeth? 5- Do you feel pain when eating some types of food? (chocolate, candies, sweet food…) 6- Have you ever been subdued to dental treatment such as dental bleaching or periodontal surgery? 7- Do you frequently eat: fruit-juices, sugar-rich beverages (coca cola, fanta…) 8- Do you use some of the following dental hygiene devices? Hard toothbrush: Electric toothbrush: Whitening toothpaste: Objective examination: Tooth Recession (mm) Abrasion Gingivitis Periodontitis disease (probing depth > 3,5mm) References 1. Canadian Advisory Board on Dentin Hypersensitivity. Consensus-based recommendations for the diagnosis and management of dentin hypersensitivity. → J Can Dent Assoc. 2003 Apr;69(4):221–6. 2. Aranha AC, Pimenta LA, Marchi GM. Clinical evaluation of desensitizing treatments for cervical dentin hypersensi- tivity. → Braz Oral Res. 2009 Jul-Sep;23(3):333–9. 3. Abbinate A, Ardizzone VC. Cap 23 Trattamento della sensibilità dentinale. → In: Abbinate A, Ardizzone VC. Igienista orale. Teoria e pratica professionale. Milano: Edra editor. 2013 p. 437–8. 4. Miglani S, Aggarwal V, Ahuja B. Dentin hypersensitivity: recent trends in management. → J Conserv Dent. 2010 Oct;13(4);218–24. 5. Brännström M, Astroem A. A study on the mechanism of pain elicited from the dentin. → J Dent Res. 1964 Jul-Aug;43:619–25. 6. Gaffar A. Treating hypersensitivity with fluoride varnish. → Compend Contin Educ Dent. 1999;20(1 Suppl):27–33; quiz 35. 7. Sunnen GV. Ozone in medicine: overview and future directions. → J Adv Med. 1988 Fall;1(3):159–74. 8. Summerfelt ST, Hochheimer JN. Review of ozone processes and applications as an oxidizing agent in aquaculture. → Prog Fish Cult. 1997;59(2):94–105. 9. Lynch E. Ozone: the revolution in dentistry. → Copenhagen: Quintessence. 2004. 300 p. 10. Bocci V, Bianchi L, Larini A. The ozone enigma in medicine. The biochemical relationship between ozone and body fluids may account for its biological, therapeutic and toxic effects. → Riv Ital Ossigeno-Ozonoterapia. 2003 Oct;2(2):113–20. Italian. 11. Jain P, Reinhardt JW, Krell KV. Effect of dentin desensitizers and dentin bonding agents on dentin permeability. → Am J Dent. 2000 Feb;13(1):21–7. 12. Duke ES, Platt JA, Moore KB. Prospective placebo controlled clinical trial of a dentin desensitizing agent. 6 month report. → Paper presented at: IADR/AADR/CADR 85th General Session and Exhibition. 2007 Mar 21–24; New Orleans, LA. 13. Azarpazooh A, Limeback H. The application of ozone in dentistry: a systematic review of literature. → J Dent. 2008 Feb;36(2):104–16. 14. Raafat Abdelaziz R, Mosallam RS, Yousry MM. Tubular occlusion of simulated hypersensitive dentin by the combined use of ozone and desensitizing agents. → Acta Odontol Scand. 2011 Nov;69(6):395–400. Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Volume 3 | Issue 2/2017 23

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