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today ODA Toronto 05 May 2017

16 exhibitor clinical 2017 ASM — May 5, 2017 In NDI booth: See Fotona LightWalker laser with next-generation ‘ASP Pulse Control’ By Harvey S. Shiffman, DDS n The LightWalker’s “gold standard” laser wavelengths NdYAG and ErYAG feature micro-processor current con- trol, with next-generation photon ampli- fication chambers that dramatically enhance performance and results. The new LightWalker procedure presets deliver the peak power, pulse shapes and pulse durations that can take your dentistry to a new level, for both you and your patients. Adaptive Structured Pulse (ASP) is a fundamental change at the core of laser technology, and Fotona’s 50 years of laser innovation makes this possible. By changing the engine that drives the laser, not only are new procedures possible, but trad- itional restorative procedures can truly be done more efficiently and with little need for anesthetic. Having two lasers in one machine means there’s no compromise with procedure that use both lasers — and complex treatments become simple and easy to perform. TwinLight periodontal treatment With the LightWalker, Er:YAG and Nd:YAG wavelengths join forces for TwinLight™ periodontal treatment, which leverages the dramatic differ- ences in selective absorption, specific target chromophores and tissue inter- action of two very different lasers, all in one advanced system. TwinLight represents a breakthrough in laser assisted periodontal therapy, providing the ability to comprehensively treat the different facets of periodontal disease. PIPS endodontics PIPS is an advanced endodontic treat- ment with the Lightwalker Er:YAG laser, which enables 3-D debridement of the entire canal system. PIPS® harnesses the power of the Fotona ASP powered Er:YAG laser to cre- ate photoacoustic shock waves within the cleaning and debriding solutions introduced in the canal. The contain- ment of the shockwaves thoroughly streams these solutions through the entire canal system, enhancing their effectiveness. The canals and sub- canals are left clean, and the dentinal tubules are free of smear layer. PIPS is equally effective for final water rinsing prior to obturation. Nightlase snoring therapy NIGHTLASE uses the photothermal capabilities of the LightWalker laser to convert and initiate formation of new, more elastic collagen. Target mucosal tissues are the oropharynx, soft palate and uvula. LightWalker’s proprietary “Smooth Mode” pulse characteristics create a non-ablative heat generation or “Heat Shock” that initiates the conver- sion of existing collagen to more elastic and organized forms and also initiates 5 Fig. 1: PIPS endodontics in four steps: Gain access to the canal; instrument the canal to ISO #20; perform PIPS with the Fotona handpiece for seven cycles of 30 seconds each; obturate the canal. (Photos/Provided by NDI and Dr. Harvey Shiffman) 5 Fig. 2: Complex cases are simplified because filing is minimal and the laser tip does not need to enter the canals. 5 Fig. 3: Cleared tooth shows a complicated canal system, five portals of exit, thoroughly cleaned using PIPS. 5 Figs. 4a, b: NIGHTLASE snoring and sleep apnea reduction therapy elevates the soft palate and uvula and tightens oropharyngeal tissues to improve upper airway volume. 5 Figs. 5a–c: Before, during, after: Fast, less-invasive preps create surfaces for optimal bonding with no smear layer. 5 Fig. 6: SEM image (x5000) shows clean, flat dentin surface with wide-open dentinal tubules after treatment with QSP Er:YAG laser irradiation (200 mJ per pulse). Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4a Fig. 4b Fig. 5a Fig. 5b Fig. 5c Fig. 6 Here in Toronto Learn more about the LightWalker Er:YAG and Nd:YAG dental laser in the National Dental Inc. booth, No. 424. “neocollagenesis”(creation of new col- lagen). Nightlase tightens these tissues and has been shown in studies using cone- beam imaging to increase the air- ways by as much as 30 percent in the most restricted part. The NIGHTLASE treatment is non-surgical and does not require any anaesthetic and can also be used as an adjunctive therapy for OSA patients. Precise tissue surgery with simultaneous disinfection The selective absorption of LightWalk- er’s Nd:YAG laser in soft tissue results in precise tissue vaporization with simul- taneous coagulation. Additionally, up to 1,000× higher peak power compared to diode lasers and engineered pulse shapes provide superior disinfection. Faster than diamond: Efficient cutting and patient comfort The new LightWalker’s ErYAG laser produces the speed you need for both hard and soft tissue. Now you can have patient comfort, better results and speed. The new generation of Fotona lasers can exceed the speed of conven- tional diamond drills. Fast and comfort- able laser cavity preps can dramatic- ally change your practice. Faster and efficient for more procedures per appointment LightWalker procedures are typically faster, easier to perform and more effective than traditional methods. Laser treatments are by nature minimally invasive, and LightWalker takes this concept to a new level. This allows you the opportunity to raise your production and ROI by doing more procedures in the same amount of time or offering new procedures that may have been too complex or time consum- ing using traditional methods. It is a win-win for dentists, patients and staff members. The LightWalker’s Er:YAG wave- length is 300 percent more highly absorbed in water than other Erbium wavelengths, increasing cutting speed. In addition, the ASP technology enables the Physics of QSP™. Studies and clin- ical experience have documented that the LightWalker ATS’s exclusive QSP mode improves ablation efficacy and precision. QSP’s fast, precise cutting and ability to cut oral tissues comfort- ably is a result of the “quantized” char- acteristic of the QSP mode pulse, which reduces the undesirable effects experi- enced with other hard tissue lasers. Faster, less-invasive preps pro- vide superior surfaces for opti- mal bonding with no smear layer Laser dentists are excited to present these modern, minimally invasive and more natural treatment modalities to the dental community. Using the Light- Walker laser, we can now have another tool in our dental toolbox and offer our patients health improvements that reach beyond restorative and rehabili- tative dentistry. Financial disclosure: The author has no financial interest in the products mentioned in this article. About the author at Harvey Shiffman, DDS, is in general practice the Laser Dental Center in Boynton Beach, Fla. He is a gradu- ate of Georgetown University School of Dentistry and completed a general practice residency at Georgetown University Medical Center, with an emphasis on treat- ing medically compromised patients. Shiffman completed certification with the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD) in three laser systems and recently earned ALD fellowship. He uses and helps develop cutting-edge technology and has performed thousands of laser dental procedures. Shiffman is an instructor for the Academy of Clinical Technology and recently lectured on advances in laser dentistry at the Yankee Dental Con- gress and the Greater New York Dental Meeting. He is an adjunct professor in the prosthodontics department of Nova Southeastern College of Dental Medicine and is responsible for the de- velopment of a dental laser educational program for undergrads and dental grad students.

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