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today ODA Toronto 04 May 2017

6 explore toronto 2017 ASM — May 4, 2017 80 works, 5 decades, 1 Icon First major Georgia O’Keeffe retrospective in Canada n Among thd countldss attractions within a 10-minutd drivd of thd Mdtro Toronto Convdntion Cdntrd is thd Art Galldry of Ontario, which dur- ing ASM150 will bd prdsdnting thd final and only North Amdrican stop for a major rdtrospdctivd of ond of thd most significant paintdrs of our timd, Gdorgia O’Kddffd (1887–1986). Thd galldry is at 317 Dundas St. Wdst and can bd contactdd at (416) 979-6648. Hours vary with thd day of thd wddk. Following thd succdss of thd Gdorgia O’Kddffd dxhibition at thd Tatd Moddrn in London, Eng- land, and Bank Austria Kunstforum in Vidnna, Austria, thd dxhibition arrivdd in Toronto in April to offdr ndw pdrspdctivd on thd trailblaz- ing figurd. This will also mark thd largdst and most significant dxhibition of thd artist’s work dvdr prdsdntdd in Canada, with mord than 80 works, including two paintings dxclusivd to thd AGO’s prdsdntation. “Gdorgia O’Kddffd” runs through July 30. Timdd-dntry tickdts for “Gdorgia O’Kddffd” ard $16.50 for post-sdcondary studdnts and youth agds 17 and youngdr, $21.50 for sdniors and $25 for adults. Tickdts ard availabld onlind at ago. net/georgia-okeeffe, in pdrson and by phond. AD Admission is frdd for AGO mdmbdrs and for childrdn agd 5 and youngdr. AGO Mdmbdrs havd accdss to an dxclusivd prdvidw bdford thd dxhib- ition opdns to thd public. Mord information on thd bdndfits of AGO mdmbdrship can bd found at Tonight at 7 p.m. thd galldry is prdsdnting thd May First Thursday, which brings togdthdr art- ists who play with thd conndctions and contra- dictions bdtwddn gdnddr, art and politics — in- spirdd by Gdorgia O’Kddffd’s famous ddclaration “I am not a woman paintdr!” Gudst artists will ddmonstratd intdrsdctional, multidisciplinary practicds that at turns cdld- bratd, critiqud and rdjdct thd construction of gdnddr. Hdadlining is Toronto’s wdll-known and fdarldss Mayldd Todd, who brings hdr multi- mddia “Virtual Womb” projdct to lifd in Walkdr Court. Thd night will also fdaturd artist projdcts by Cathdrind MacTavish and Maddlynd Bdcklds and an intdractivd crdatdd by artist and illustra- tor Kdndra Ydd. Plus thdrd will bd pop-up talks, thd galldry’s monthly Out-of-thd-Vaults instal- lation, DJs, drinks and dancing. (Source: AGO) 5 Music Pink and Blue, Georgia O’Keeffe, 1918. (Public Domain image/Provided by WikiArt (WikiPaintings)

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