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implants _ international magazine of oral implantology No. 2, 2017

| case report Implant-prosthesis treatment in case of total edentulism Author: Prof. Massimo Pasi, Italy Total edentulism is a serious handicap that still affects almost 25 per cent of the population aged 65 years and older. Loss of teeth leads to a severe impairment of life quality of those affected, not only with regard to their ability to chew but also for their social life and their psychological attitude. In case of total edentulism, a prosthesis improves both chewing efficiency and way of life. Since a denture in the maxilla is often well accepted, the minimum of ac- ceptable treatment in the lower jaw are overdentures anchored by two implants. Introduction The latest available data on edentulism in Italy dates back to an ISTAT survey of 2005, published in 2008.1 This work shows that the total absence of teeth affects 22.6 per cent of the population be- tween 65 and 69 years, jumping to 60 per cent of those over 80 years old. Only 52.2 per cent of the sub- jects have replaced their missing teeth with im- plants. This is influenced by the fact that edentulism is prevalent among people of lower social status, Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 1: CBCT showing iperpneumatic maxillary sinuses and low residual bone in the upper jaw. – Fig. 2: Inclusion of eight CAMLOG® implants after rising sinuses maxillary and bone grafts affixing vestibular bilaterally. – Fig. 3: Finally fixed prosthesis; small pink flanges in ceramic were sufficient to improve the support of soft tissue without compromising the ability of oral hygiene. – Fig. 4: Final radiograph showing bone regeneration. 12 implants 2 2017

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