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CAD/CAM – international magazine of digital dentistry No. 2, 2017

| trends & applications zirconia solutions Multilayered zirconia solutions with ASC (angulated screw channel) and Omnigrip tooling By Nobel Biocare Fig. 1: A new angle for aesthetics: The ASC Abutment from NobelProcera allows the screw channel to be set at an angle between 0 and 25 degrees within a full 360-degree radius. In the True innovation is about finding new and improved ways of doing things. At Nobel Biocare, this means developing new products and solutions that help dental professionals treat more patients better. anterior this makes screw-retained With the NobelProcera ASC (angulated restorations possible where aesthetic considerations would previously have ruled them out. screw channel) solutions and Nobel Biocare’s unique Omnigrip tooling, true innovation has been achieved. These products allow clinicians to offer screw-retained restora- tions in a practical and aesthetic way that would previously have been impossible in some cases. Increased restorative flexibility with no cement: It’s as easy as ASC Fig. 1 With NobelProcera ASC solutions, the screw chan- nel can be placed with an angle of up to 25 degrees from the axis of the implant, anywhere within a 360-degree radius. In the anterior aesthetic region, this makes it possible to use screw-retained resto- Fig. 2: The unique pick-up function of the Omnigrip Screwdriver should be experienced to be fully appreciated. The level of grip improves handling and is designed to reduce the risk of the screw detaching in the patient’s mouth. Fig. 2 40 CAD/CAM 2 2017 rations where a buccal/labial screw access point would previously have ruled them out. When designing the screw channel, the screw access hole can instead be positioned on the lingual/pala- tal side of the restoration. The patient there- fore benefits from an optimised aesthetic result without any risk of the issues that can arise from excess cement. Using a screw-retained rather than a cement-re- tained solution also makes the restoration easier to retrieve. In the posterior region too, NobelProcera ASC solutions come into their own. When used on mo- lars or premolars, the ability to tilt the screw channel mesially makes it easier for the clini- cian to place and access the restoration. And, because of the strength of the material, the full-contour zir- conia implant crown with ASC can be utilised in the posterior, providing the clinician with even greater support in delivering the best possible restoration. Leading restorations now available for a range of indications The angulated screw channel feature was first made available for single-unit zirconia abutments and full- contour implant crowns with Nobel Biocare’s internal conical connection. Now, the benefits of the ASC and Omnigrip tooling have been extended to multi-unit implant bridges on conical connection implants, in NobelProcera’s latest high-translucency, multilay- ered full-contour zirconia material*. Combined with ASC, this high-strength material offers great solutions both in the anterior and poste- rior, especially with the option to create a cutback and to design natural aesthetics by veneering restorations intended for the aesthetic zone. High translucency al- lows the material to blend in naturally with neigh- bouring teeth, and being multilayered means that colour changes in gradual, natural-looking layers

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