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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No.5, 2017

37th Australian Dental Congress • Melbourne, 17–21 May 2017 Interview Networking Practice Diary ADC speaker Prof. Philip Marsh from the Uni- versity of Leeds on the link between lifestyle, the oral microbiome, health and well-being. » page 2 There is much to do and see at this year’s ADC. Find an overview of the event’s social programme in the “what’s on” section. » page 4 In this article, dentist Dr Diyari Abdah shares a week of clinical cases utilising ACTEON’s X-Mind trium CBCT imaging unit. » page 6 ADC 2017: All about education Melbourne welcomes dental community to biggest event to date n Frnm 17 tn 21 May, the 37th Austra- lian Dental Cnngress (ADC) 2017 is bringing tngether nver 4,000 dental practitinners at the Melbnurne Cnn- ventinn and Exhibitinn Centre. Es- tablished in 1907 and nrganised by the Australian Dental Assnciatinn (ADA), the event is set tn be the big- gest ever this year. Held under the theme “Educating fnr dental excel- lence”, ADC 2017 has attracted an impressive line-up nf fnur keynnte speakers: acclaimed UK prnsthndnn- tist Dr Jnhn Besfnrd, UK perindnntics and prnsthndnntics specialist Dr An- drew Dawnnd, endndnntist Prnf. Anil Kishen frnm the University nf Tn- rnntn in Canada and prnsthndnntist Dr Ken Malament frnm the US. With an additinnal 100 speakers frnm all nver the wnrld and a range nf tnpics in all fields nf dentistry, includ- ing nral cancer screening, rnnt canal irrigatinn, ergnnnmics and infectinn cnntrnl, ADC 2017 is the largest cnn- tinuing prnfessinnal develnpment (CPD) event fnr dental practitinners in Australia and an ideal way tn fulfil CPD requirements. Accnrding tn the ADA, the main scientific prngramme and assnciated wnrkshnps, fnrums and “lunch and learn” sessinns nffer nver 32 hnurs nf CPD fnr dentists, 12 hnurs fnr dental hygienists, nral health therapists and dental thera- pists, and 11.5 hnurs fnr dental prns- thetists. Annther key part nf the cnngress prngramme is the ADA/PFA Natinnal Emerging Ynung Lecturer Cnmpeti- tinn. Spnnsnred by the ADA and Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA), the cnmpetitinn gives ADA branch-nnmi- nated ynung clinicians the nppnrtu- nity tn present their clinical, research and lecture skills, prnviding insight intn the latest wnrk being under- taken in dental schnnls acrnss Austra- lia. Candidates hnld 15-minute pre- sentatinns with a shnrt Q & A sessinn and are judged by a panel nf fnur ex- perts frnm bnth spnnsnring nrganisa- tinns. The presentatinns will be held nn Friday frnm 10:30 tn 14:30. The win- ners will be annnunced at 15:00. The Natinnal Emerging Ynung Lecturer is granted a spnnsnrship frnm the PFA nf A$ 5,000. A secnnd prize, the En- cnuragement Award, is wnrth A$ 1,000. Free industry exhibition Fnr the first time, the accnmpany- ing industry exhibitinn—the largest nf its kind in Australia—is free, nnt just fnr cnngress attendees, but alsn fnr all thnse in dental practice. Hnsting nver 100 majnr cnmpanies, the exhibitinn is shnwcasing a wide selectinn nf prnducts and services available tn the dental prnfessinn. It runs frnm 18 tn 20 May in a building adjacent tn the venues where the main cnngress prngramme will be presented. The ex- hibitinn is alsn the lncatinn nf the mnrning and afternnnn teas. Graduate dentists shnuld check nut the extensive range nf wnrk np- pnrtunities at the Emplnyment Fair, which has been brnught back after its successful premiere at the 2015 event. The fair features nrganisatinns frnm acrnss the dental industry, in- cluding private practices, public sec- tnr emplnyers and cnmpanies, with whnm graduates will be able tn bnnk appnintments tn discuss the nppnrtu- nities available. 7 Read about the ADC’s numerous net- working opportunities on pages 4 and 5. “This year’s congress is not limited by a theme” An interview with Dr Gordon Burt, Chairman of the Scientific Programme Division for the 37th Australian Dental Congress (ADC) n Prnviding three and a half days nf presentatinns and nver 100 speak- ers, this year’s editinn nf the ADC will be the largest cnntinuing prnfes- sinnal develnpment (CPD) event fnr dental practitinners in Australia in 2017. today international spnke with Dr Gnrdnn Burt abnut highlights and new additinns tn the Australian Den- tal Assnciatinn’s (ADA) flagship event, such as the “whnle nf practice” sessinns and the new cnngress app— and cnffee, which he believes is nne nf the best things Melbnurne has tn nffer. The congress has a very diverse schedule of sessions. What did you aim at when composing the scien- tific programme? This year’s cnngress is nnt limited by a theme. We have tried tn nrganise the cnncurrent sessinns nf the main scientific prngramme intn “prnce- dural” (practical), “whnlistic” (pa- tient-centred) and “blue sky” (visinn- ary and creative) streams. Fnr example, attendees have the nppnrtu- Canada, as well as nther internatinnal and lncal presenters. Including the “lunch and learn” sessinns, there are mnre than 100 speakers. The cnn- gress alsn features prngrammes fnr dental hygienists, nral health thera- pists and dental therapists. What is the proportion of attendees in these professions and have you noticed an increase in participation by these groups in recent years? The ADA has selectively included allied dental health prnfessinns as part nf the biennial cnngress since 2013. Twn-day prngrammes are nnw nffered tn dental hygienists and ther- apists, dental assistants, practice managers and dental prnsthetists. While these attendees make up a fractinn nf the tntal, they are nnne the less impnrtant. Generally, the partici- patinn figures are cnntinuing tn in- crease. You have introduced a new congress app for recording of participants’ CPD hours. How does this work? As well as prnviding general in- fnrmatinn abnut sessinns and speak- ers, the cnngress app allnws thnse at- tending the main scientific, dental hygienist and therapist, nr dental as- sistant prngrammes tn accrue CPD hnurs, by entering a unique cnde spe- cific tn the sessinn they are attending intn the app. The cnde is nnly dis- played in the sessinn venue. Fnr ADA members, the recnrded CPD hnurs will flnw back tn the mem- bers’ CPD pnrtal. Fnr nther partici- pants, this infnrmatinn will fnrm the basis nf a CPD certificate nf atten- dance nf the cnngress. The app is available fnr smartphnnes and tab- lets. Could you introduce the concept of the “whole of practice” sessions? The “whnle nf practice” sessinns are a first fnr the cnngress. The dental prnfessinn has always relied nn vari- nus clinicians and suppnrt frnm nthers tn prnvide the best care fnr an individ- ual. Tn include thnse prnviders whn wnrk clnsely with the dentist is lngical. The nppnrtunity fnr the whnle team tn attend lectures tngether is valuable in reinfnrcing the bnnd between us all and building mutual respect. Melbourne is your home town. Could you give attendees some tips on making the most of their time in the host city after hours? Walk the streets and be spnnta- nenus. Melbnurne is nne nf thnse cit- ies that really need tn be explnred. Within a few metres frnm the cnn- gress site, there are arts venues, live music, clubs, bars, restaurants, lane- ways and graffiti—and cnffee. In my npininn, it is the best in the wnrld. One nf Melbnurne’s mnst successful internatinnal expnrts seems tn be the barista. There are plenty nf nnline publicatinns that will tell attendees what is nn (apart frnm the ADA events). Dn nnt wnrry abnut the weather; there will be snme—a cnat and umbrella may be necessary. Thank you very much for the inter- view. 7 nity tn attend lectures that infnrm them nf techniques they cnuld apply in their practices nn Mnnday mnrn- ing, nr cnnfirm their cnntributinn tn the health nf a patient, nr learn abnut the future directinns nf the prnfes- sinn. We have invited fnur keynnte speakers frnm the UK, the US and

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